[citation][nom]lordravage[/nom]I have a real problem with this article. It isn't comparing a $500 prebuilt system to a $500 home build at all. It compares 5 computers from Best Buy that range from $299 to $409, versus a $500 machine that lacks an OS, mouse and keyboard. Factor everything in and the home build costs almost TWICE as much as the cheapest competitor.I know you mentioned the discrepancies in the article, but if you aren't going to try a little harder to make a good comparison you shouldn't even make the article. Shop around online at better retailers than Best Buy, find the very best systems you can that cost about $550, THEN compare those to your own system.I still expect the prebuilt systems to fall behind, but the article we have here isn't even a real comparison.[/citation]
CONGRATS - prebuilts include windows 7 --- that would cost at least a hundred bux anywhere else and even the cheapest of keyboard, mouse & speaker set would be another 40 dollars,, the 500 dollar system should be compared to low six hundred prebuilts to give an absolute true comparison,, i run into this issue all the time as collegues/friends/family are always asking about building a computer for about 500,, i always have a hard time trying to build something in that range that they can't just go to the store and buy. Although, I would bring up the fact if you build it yourself, you usually have overclocking abilities, more quality parts vs cheap stuff, better warranties per piece,, most store bought pcs are 90 - 365 day warranties, most per parts are 3-5 years! Also, you usually can upgrade easily without having to go buy a different power supply or motherboard or realize you have no where else to mount that new hard drive