Question Building my Pc was going fine- until i had to install my graphics card.

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May 24, 2024
I am extremely new to building computers but i was happy to find that i was able to make everything work functionally. That is, until my graphics card came. when i tried to install it, the spacing was just slightly off, and i had to really squeeze it in there. then i worried i would damage it, so i dismounted my motherboard and installed the cpu directly onto it and put it back. after i did that it seemed to fit, but when i plugged it in the DRAM and the VGA motherboard lights were on. Another weird thing that happened is that the graphics card fans would turn on for a few seconds and the lights would blink and turn off only for the graphics card to shut down and lights to come back on. This had not happened before and i quickly turned it off and started doing research. a friend of mine thought that maybe my power was insufficient for the graphics card, so i returned my 750W and bought a 1050W power supply. after installing that, the same issue has risen. i have literally no clue on what to do. i tried redocking the ram but that didnt fix anything.
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