Building new system


Oct 27, 2011
i am going to be building a new (budget) system for gaming the first item i will be buying is the mobo i have around £50-60 to spend on it and was woundering if any one could give some advice on a good for the money mobo with a decent socket thanks
You don't want to buy any of your stuff piecemeal. Wait and save about 400-500 pounds for a complete upgrade. If you buy a board for example, you won't be able to test it within the 30 day return period.


Oct 27, 2011
never really been good at saving lol could you direct me to a good site to get a new set up. i am looking at getting at least a quad core cpu but the 6 cores intrest me very much also i dont really want to buy a system run every thing on the market on high and then have to pay out more for a new gpu withing 6 months to a year. i,v been looking on pc spcialest website (pc finance site) but there finace acceptence is tighter than a nuns well you know...

could you recomend a good set up that will last a good couple of years before needing drastic upgrade

at a budget of around £500
No. I'm not familiar with uk sites. This is an outstanding deal if you can get financing through dell and have them ship it to you: Don't know if they will offer this in the uk or not; it even includes a 1 gb video card. Use this code 5TK?LC9VJ5F to get an additional 20% off. I don't normally recommend dells, but since your budget is so low, it might be good for you.