So basically I was playing with the fan cable connecting my custom GPU fan (Arctic Accelero) to my actual GPU (1660TI), and I accidentally connected the wrong cable into the 1660 ti itself
There was some smoke, bad metallic smell, i turned everything off and later back on again
everything seemed to be working fine and the temps on my gpu are fine but the GPU FANS are compeltely disabled and are not working,
what to do ?
So basically I was playing with the fan cable connecting my custom GPU fan (Arctic Accelero) to my actual GPU (1660TI), and I accidentally connected the wrong cable into the 1660 ti itself
There was some smoke, bad metallic smell, i turned everything off and later back on again
everything seemed to be working fine and the temps on my gpu are fine but the GPU FANS are compeltely disabled and are not working,
what to do ?