I seriously doubt this post!
I have no doubt that Win7 will be an improvement over Vista, but the majority of companies are still with XP!
Compared to XP, only very little gain (if any at all, and/or if not loss) of productivity and money is being noticed!
Yes, it may have better power saving feats, but it takes much more energy to run 7 than to run XP.
They say XP is a dying OS, yes, but still today the majority of businesses have XP, and we're what? 9 years after it's initial release?
Only a small part of small businesses, have migrated to Vista.
In most of the cases it are businesses that had no other choice because their suppliers could not get anything else, or did not want to pay the premium for downgrading.
I have no doubt that Win7 will be an improvement over Vista, but the majority of companies are still with XP!
Compared to XP, only very little gain (if any at all, and/or if not loss) of productivity and money is being noticed!
Yes, it may have better power saving feats, but it takes much more energy to run 7 than to run XP.
They say XP is a dying OS, yes, but still today the majority of businesses have XP, and we're what? 9 years after it's initial release?
Only a small part of small businesses, have migrated to Vista.
In most of the cases it are businesses that had no other choice because their suppliers could not get anything else, or did not want to pay the premium for downgrading.