What kind or brand should i get. im trying to keep it under 350, and also trying to get the free witcher 3 code with it. what would any of you recommend?
What kind or brand should i get. im trying to keep it under 350, and also trying to get the free witcher 3 code with it. what would any of you recommend?
Video Card:MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card ($339.98 @ Amazon) Total: $339.98 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-14 18:47 EDT-0400
Well i reviewed the Zotac Video Card GTX 970 ZT-90101-10P as it had a fairly decent 4.5/5 rating and was 20$ cheaper than the others. I hope that i have luck with this card because my AMD HD 7770's are garbage. im struggling to play anything that comes out anymore. Even if this card isn't the best of the 970's, im sure itll be a great upgrade.
in the end all you can do it what you feel is best for you-- you give up looking all the hype over - you chunk one in the cart - you get it in- stick it in your computer - fire it up, and it will work as you expect or it will not