buying a new desktop


Nov 18, 2013
Hello everyone, i am about to buy:

-MB S1150 ASUS SABERTOOTH Z87 > 282 U$
-CPU INTEL 1150 - I7-4770 3.4 GHZ 8MB 4th > 333 U$
-VGA PCIE 2GB MSI GTX660 N660 TF 2GD5/OC > 265 U$

hm, i'm new in the area so i dont understand much..

will this pc run any game in ultra? and is this "VGA PCIE 2GB MSI GTX660 N660 TF 2GD5/OC" better than "VGA PCIE 3GB EVGA GTX660SC DDR5 HDMI 1046MHZ"? i've heard that this gtx660 SC isn't that good for gaming.. if that msi isn't good, what one should i buy?

( the "VGA PCIE 3GB EVGA GTX660SC DDR5 HDMI 1046MHZ" is 293 U$)

thanks guys
the gtx 660 is alright but id get a gtx 760 and a 4670k instead of the 4770k. cuz hyperthreading is pretty much useless for gaming. games are more gpu dependant in general.
get this vga its for 300$ and very great for gaming and yes will run all games on highest setting if u can pay more $ for the vga

get this GTX 770 for 360 $

then about the motherboard that you pick is great for ocing as i can see you pick I7-4770 that cpu does not oc great so i would suggest going lower pudget mother board and add the $ for vga and new SSD or rams

this board MSI Z87-G45 Gaming

this case looks great

this cpu cooler

see them and report
hm, that would be great but i already have my case from my old and another problem, im from brasil.. import tax gonna kill me..
i only need to know what pieces to buy 🙂 i was wondering gtx660 would work great w/ this processor and motherboard.. im also pretending to set 16mb ram..
hd 7850 or gtx660?which 1 is better? i see theres gtx660 gigabyte, evga, msi.. they r all the same?
and will this 4770 work with the mb? beeing both 1150 is enough?

i found this processor too, which 1 is better? CPU INTEL 1155 - I7-3770K 3.5 GHZ 8MB.. but this 1 is 1155.. what if i change mb to "MB S1155 ASUS P8H77-M" that will be a lot cheaper.. and theres the MB S1155 ASUS P8H77-M LE too.. but idk the difference
so i should change to:
-CPU INTEL 1155 - I7-3770K 3.5 GHZ 8MB
-MB S1155 ASUS P8H77-M
whats the difference between MB S1155 ASUS P8H77-M and MB S1155 ASUS P8H77-M LE?

i see a problem. to enable to overclocking feature on your cpu you need a motherboardwith a Z77 chipset. the motherboards you are choosing have the H77 chipset
just as i told you don't spend all your money for now

just stay with that board i told its amazing board

as for the cpu the K letter at the end of the cpu means it can be overclocked like if it stock 3.5 ghz u can make it 4.5 but it will produce more heat the you have to cool and will take more voltage that will decrease its life time lets say if it will live for 10 years u will make it live for 8

i think u won't over clock so stay with the I7-4770

if i want the gtx 660 get the TI Edition its alot stronger my friend got it this MSI GTX 660 Ti Power Edition OC
ok thanks, the only problem is that 660 ti is too expensive here, gonna cost around 500 dollars.. brazil suck man.. and i dont know any1 to buy me that stuffs ;/ but thanks anyway
how do i enable overclocking?

well, which configuration would work better for gaming and drawing? :

this 1:
-MB S1155 ASUS P8Z77-M
-CPU INTEL 1155 - I7-3770K 3.5 GHZ 8MB
-with gtx 660

or this:

-CPU INTEL 1150 - I7-4770 3.4 GHZ 8MB 4TH
-MB S1150 ASUS H87M-PLUS or MB S1150 ASUS H87-PLUS (which 1?)

and last question ;d is this gtx660 a good edition? i know its worse than 660ti but, is it better than 660sc shit? thanks!