New to this forum and not much knowledge about CPU's... Which is a better CPU?
I just mainly use my CPU for web surfing, downloading files, watching movies, basic computer work, and occasionally gaming (nothing serious). I want a cpu with good graphics and speed.
I plan on just buying a CPU from bestbuy and came down to these 6 options for under $600. Which is a better bang for my buck? Thanks
1) Asus Essentio $430
Processor: AMD A8-5500
Processor Speed: 3.2GHz (with Turbo CORE up to 3.7GHz)
Cache Memory : 4MB on die Level 2
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7560D
2) HP Pavilion $460
Processor Platform: AMD VISION A6-5200 APU
Processor: AMD A6-Series
Processor Speed: 2.0GHz
Cache Memory : 2MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 8400
3) Asus Essentio $600
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4660 S
Processor Speed: 2.9GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.4GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB on die Level 2
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4600
4) Dell Inspiron $570
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4440
Processor Speed: 3.1GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: Intel® HD
5) Dell Inspiron $550
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4440
Processor Speed: 3.1GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4600
6) HP ENVY $570
Processor Platform: AMD VISION A10-6700 APU
Processor: AMD A10-Series
Processor Speed: 3.7GHz
Cache Memory : 4MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 8670D
I just mainly use my CPU for web surfing, downloading files, watching movies, basic computer work, and occasionally gaming (nothing serious). I want a cpu with good graphics and speed.
I plan on just buying a CPU from bestbuy and came down to these 6 options for under $600. Which is a better bang for my buck? Thanks
1) Asus Essentio $430
Processor: AMD A8-5500
Processor Speed: 3.2GHz (with Turbo CORE up to 3.7GHz)
Cache Memory : 4MB on die Level 2
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7560D
2) HP Pavilion $460
Processor Platform: AMD VISION A6-5200 APU
Processor: AMD A6-Series
Processor Speed: 2.0GHz
Cache Memory : 2MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 8400
3) Asus Essentio $600
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4660 S
Processor Speed: 2.9GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.4GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB on die Level 2
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4600
4) Dell Inspiron $570
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4440
Processor Speed: 3.1GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Graphics: Intel® HD
5) Dell Inspiron $550
Processor: Intel® 4th Generation Core™ i5-4440
Processor Speed: 3.1GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz)
Cache Memory : 6MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4600
6) HP ENVY $570
Processor Platform: AMD VISION A10-6700 APU
Processor: AMD A10-Series
Processor Speed: 3.7GHz
Cache Memory : 4MB
System Memory (RAM): 8GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3 SDRAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 8670D