I am going to be building a new pc. Is it better to save up and buy all the parts at once? Or buy the parts as I have the money
all at once.
if you're going to save do it like this.
1) Case and fans
2) Power supply (Go 750w, it gives you lots of options)
3) Hard drive/ssd combo (120gb ssd and 1tb hdd is best)
4) 8GB DDR3
4) Videocard (Go for a higher end mid card (R9 280 or GTX 770)
5) MOBO and CPU
It depends what you want to do with it, but you need mobo, RAM, CPU, HDD and PSU in order for it to run. I would save up and buy it all at once, but keep an eye out for deals while you are saving.
It depends what you want to do with it, but you need mobo, RAM, CPU, HDD and PSU in order for it to run. I would save up and buy it all at once, but keep an eye out for deals while you are saving.
i advise people to get the generic stuff such as hdd, ssd, case, psu, fans first. this ensures that technology isnt changing right when they buy parts they cant use. hdd, ssd, case, psu and fans are likely to not change in this cycle of technology.
If he's not going to be building until some time next year than it's a good idea to get those parts first but we know Broadwell locked processors will be coming in nov/dec and can expect the unlocked cpu's in the first quarter of next year, so it does depend somewhat on when he aims to build by as to when is best to buy a CPU.
The 97 motherboards are all compatible with Broadwell so he can get one now, and RAM isn't going to have any breakthroughs either.
The 800 series from Nvidia might start seeing release later in the year, but a good deal on a current gen card will probably be better performance on an equally priced 800 series, especially given new GPU's tend to be expensive due to early adopter demand.
Probably won't need extra fans, I usually advise checking temps first and buy fans after a week or two after burn in to see if you need them.
As for the PSU 750w does give a lot of headroom but it also leave you in limbo a bit. It's not a lot of headroom to SLI/Xfire a lot of cards but much more power than necessary for most of single card set-ups. That being said i've got a 750w PSU. Just go for the best quality/lowest price PSU that will do what you need, unless you plan on expanding in the near future.
ty you all for your very help full answers. The pc i plan on making is going to cost me around 1050$ to make ,and since most months i only have 140$ extra to spend on pc parts. But 2 months ill have around an extra 350-400$ each of those months. those 2 months i plan on buying the cpu and the videocard. i do only use 1screen so i know i have no use for xfire. and i dont overclock anything either. here is a link to my build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZBFfxr. Also only reason i am getting the 2 extra fans. is 1 is free after mail in rebate and visa checkout offer. and other one is only 8$ so figure why not. which will be free from the newegg rebate card i get from buying the case.