I am looking to build a gaming computer for extensive use and all my digging and researching leads me to this website.
I have read that the possibility of building a high-end gaming laptop would cost an outrageous price that would still not as poweful as an average gaming desktop.
I have also read here that if I absolutely need a laptop I should buy a gaming desktop and then get a notebook that can easily meet my basic internet surfing on the run needs.
I just then have a few questions about high-powered (gaming) laptops.
1) How difficult is it to buy parts and build one ground up from sites such as tigerdirect.com or newegg.com
2) What is the price difference for buying a pre built one versus building one myself?
3) If i do choose to buy one what website would you recommend?
4) Is their any new technology coming out within the next year that could greatly improve the performance of desktops?
5) Is a quad processor or c2d better at this point in time?
I have read that the possibility of building a high-end gaming laptop would cost an outrageous price that would still not as poweful as an average gaming desktop.
I have also read here that if I absolutely need a laptop I should buy a gaming desktop and then get a notebook that can easily meet my basic internet surfing on the run needs.
I just then have a few questions about high-powered (gaming) laptops.
1) How difficult is it to buy parts and build one ground up from sites such as tigerdirect.com or newegg.com
2) What is the price difference for buying a pre built one versus building one myself?
3) If i do choose to buy one what website would you recommend?
4) Is their any new technology coming out within the next year that could greatly improve the performance of desktops?
5) Is a quad processor or c2d better at this point in time?