Question can’t install spring lock screw’s from cpu fan, help?

Oct 5, 2023
sorry if i’m doing this wrong, i never posted on a forum before ^^^
my boyfriend recently ordered me a new cpu for my computer, i had a ryzen 3 1200 and he got me an amd 5 5600. i had no trouble installing the cpu, however, i cant seem to screw in the fan. he said that the screws are ‘spring locked’ and i have to add a little pressure down to begin screwing it in. no matter how hard i press down, i cant get it to budge at all (probably because im just not strong enough lol). i’m also worried about pressing too hard and damaging the motherboard, so i tried pressing down the screws with the fan detached from everything, and i still couldn’t get it to move. is there anything i can do to make it easier to screw?? (image below)
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The term is spring loaded meaning that the screws tension is added with the aid of the spring. You will need to screw each end in a criss-cross pattern, and you don't screw down one screw all the way, only a few turns to get it started and then move to the next screw across. Once you've gotten 4 screws latching onto the motherboard backplate, you can begin tightening all 4 screws.
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