Question Can a motherboard cause coil whine to my gpu?

Feb 15, 2019
Hi, 2 days ago my PC started buzzling when I played games which my pc ran at 200 + fps like cs:go or minecraft, the thing is that i googled it and found out it was the infamous coil whine so I tried to fix it, at first I thought it was the PSU because it was a cheap one, but after getting a good psu my pc keeps doing that annoying whine.
So I have two questions: 1. can a Gpu develop coil whine over time? 2. can a motherboard induce coil whine into my gpu somehow ?

Sorry for my english I'm not native neither it's my second tongue.
High frame rates and coil whine is pretty common with graphics cards.

It is literally the coil vibrating as current flows through. Yes they can develop over time, one solution is to physically restrain the coil packs by putting silicone caulk between them.

Simplest though is to reduce or limit frame rates to avoid the noise.

The motherboard won't have a lot to do with it, but it has its own power delivery systems and they could also develop coil whine. But really the power going through the motherboard to the GPU is coming from the power supply.