Question Can anyone please help me to set my fan speed settings correctly ?

Feb 22, 2021

i finally caved and updated my bios after my pc kept shutting down the monitors and video card randomly. I thought i was smart and took pictures of everything needed but of course apparently the bios settings reset after updating it for some stupid reason and i did not take pictures of the fan settings the guy who built my pc set so it went from quiet and loud when working hard to always loud and it feels like its hotter (even though it says its only around 40) and im probably imagining it but it smells burnt (even though the pc was on at most 15-20m) and i swear i had more fans to customize but now its back to cpu 1 and pump 1 after hitting default settings after being stupid with the fans and panicking.

The guy who fixed my pc seems to have been gone for 10 days from the platform whwre i bought his services no help there no atm and i want to use my pcI have a MSI MAG B650 TOMAHAWK WIFI motherboard with the newest bios, a Fractal Design Pop XL Air RGB - White TG Clear Tint with stock fans in stock position and an Arctic Liquid Freezer III 360 A-RGB mounted with the fans shooting hot air up.

Can anyone edit the screenshots and make red dots where i should place these curves and what sort of dc/wmp setting i should have. I mostly play games with little else. Im very sorry for asking but im very bad with this stuff, very afraid of damaging anything and have no funds to replace anything
Link to settings

The games are rust, stellaris max settings, Mc modded or vanilla, skyrim heavily modded, projekt zomboid or elden ring
Im well aware but its so noisey now its unusuable to do anything on so i need the noise lower
Which exact CPU ? Most of Ryzen new gen are good up to 90-95c without throttling so on that AIO cooler I would set maximum fan speed at those temps depending on CPU.
With 7900x and same AIO cooler I set fan curve in straight line, from minim RPM at 50c to maximum at 95c. Also set fan function to PWM instead of auto.
Which exact CPU ? Most of Ryzen new gen are good up to 90-95c without throttling so on that AIO cooler I would set maximum fan speed at those temps depending on CPU.
With 7900x and same AIO cooler I set fan curve in straight line, from minim RPM at 50c to maximum at 95c. Also set fan function to PWM instead of auto.
My other important components are
ASUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER ProArt OC - 16GB GDDR6
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
I would happily pay if you could draw on the images as i dont understand
My other important components are
ASUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER ProArt OC - 16GB GDDR6
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
I would happily pay if you could draw on the images as i dont understand
Tjmax aka highest temp is 89c and has 120W TDP so that cooler should cool it at half power. Radiator fan speed is not determining factor, I could even shut one down or slow all to 1000 Rpm without temperature raising. Pump on the other hand is more important and should run at full speed all the time. It's possible it's not installed properly and with proper TIM
You can adjust fan speed curve by dragging those points up and down, Try setting max RPM at 1000Rpm and check temps, any under 89c would be fine and at that rpm they are virtually quiet.
Tjmax aka highest temp is 89c and has 120W TDP so that cooler should cool it at half power. Radiator fan speed is not determining factor, I could even shut one down or slow all to 1000 Rpm without temperature raising. Pump on the other hand is more important and should run at full speed all the time. It's possible it's not installed properly and with proper TIM
You can adjust fan speed curve by dragging those points up and down, Try setting max RPM at 1000Rpm and check temps, any under 89c would be fine and at that rpm they are virtually quiet.
I dont understand like 90% of this, ill try to decipher it. Thanks though!
I dont understand like 90% of this, ill try to decipher it. Thanks though!
Can you show a photo of your system with side panel removed?
(upload to and post link)

You have to find out, what fan connectors your fans are using.
Depending on fan connectors, they get regulated differently.
3pin fans get regulated in DC mode.
4pin fans get regulated in PWM mode.
You have to adjust fan settings in BIOS accordingly or fans will not be regulated properly.

Unfortunately it's not easy for us to modify a set of photos and upload here. But I CAN refer you to the right manuals and specific pages on-line. Your problem appears to be mainly the CASE Ventilation fans. Get the BIOS manual for that mobo here

You seem to know how to get into BIOS Setup, so go to p. 45 of that manual. I believe the case has four fans, and from your post I suspect each is plugged into its own individual SYS_FAN header. (Your mobo has six of these.) So in BIOS Setup you get to the screen on p. 45. Then you need to make a setting for EACH of the four SYS_FAN headers you are using. On that screen, select one of them at upper right. Then at upper left in the Mode box select DC, not PWM or AUTO. Below that for each ensure that the Temperature Source is set to mobo, not to CPU. Repeat for the other case fans. This should get the four case fans to slow down to what they need to do, rather than full speed all the time.

Next, just to be sure about the CPU cooler settings, go to the CPU1 and PUMP1 headers. For each, ensure the Mode is set to PWM, not DC or AUTO and that their Temperature Source is CPU.

When all these are set, use the F10 key to reach an Exit Menu (p.24). There choose Save Changes and Reboot.
Unfortunately it's not easy for us to modify a set of photos and upload here. But I CAN refer you to the right manuals and specific pages on-line. Your problem appears to be mainly the CASE Ventilation fans. Get the BIOS manual for that mobo here

You seem to know how to get into BIOS Setup, so go to p. 45 of that manual. I believe the case has four fans, and from your post I suspect each is plugged into its own individual SYS_FAN header. (Your mobo has six of these.) So in BIOS Setup you get to the screen on p. 45. Then you need to make a setting for EACH of the four SYS_FAN headers you are using. On that screen, select one of them at upper right. Then at upper left in the Mode box select DC, not PWM or AUTO. Below that for each ensure that the Temperature Source is set to mobo, not to CPU. Repeat for the other case fans. This should get the four case fans to slow down to what they need to do, rather than full speed all the time.

Next, just to be sure about the CPU cooler settings, go to the CPU1 and PUMP1 headers. For each, ensure the Mode is set to PWM, not DC or AUTO and that their Temperature Source is CPU.

When all these are set, use the F10 key to reach an Exit Menu (p.24). There choose Save Changes and Reboot.
Sorry for the late reply, some family stuff happened. It appears all my fans are running at the same speed and working. The water cooler runs at max except for the fan over the cpu, it doesnt run at all for some reason? I will do that and thank you! I was also wondering what i should set my 4 balls to on the fans/cpu/ect. Setting the two system fans (the other 4 options do not get rpm no matter what is done, i assume them to be not connected) to smart fan mode worked but to dc seems like a bad idea, much more noise. Setting 2 to dc and 1 to pwm (even if they are dc) gave an audio reduction of 80% in bios (and a slow down in pc fan speed for 2 and 1) for the loud noise. But theres another seperate fan noise that appeared today thats much lower and more intense in a pc-y way (not related to my current changes as they appeared before i booted up my pc)

Can you show a photo of your system with side panel removed?
(upload to and post link)

You have to find out, what fan connectors your fans are using.
Depending on fan connectors, they get regulated differently.
3pin fans get regulated in DC mode.
4pin fans get regulated in PWM mode.
You have to adjust fan settings in BIOS accordingly or fans will not be regulated properly.

Ill take a picture with now and remove the panel later when my dad visits. I have had hair surgery so i Can't do any even remotely straining work
Edit: i dont have anything called mobo/motherboard, only cpu core, system, mos or chipset
Edit2: never mind this was until i booted up the pc to the actual pc instead. Now everything is much louder
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From your pc photo -
CPU_FAN, PUMP_FAN and SYS_FAN1 - should be set to PWM mode (4pin fan connectors)​
SYS_FAN2 - should be set to DC (3pin fan connector)​

And that's what i di I think? Thank you sir what about the rest of the fans? And the pump fan that doesnt run?

I'm mostly interested in the curve, any ideas about that ?
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And that's what i di I think? Thank you sir what about the rest of the fans? And the pump fan that doesnt run?

I'm mostly interested in the curve, any ideas about that ?
How is AIO connected electrically ? Using one universal cable connected the way it's shown in the manual is cleanest and simplest way. Are you sure that fan on the pump is not running. It's connected in parallel with pump motor. Maybe the top cover is not placed as it should.
As for fan curve you already have my suggestion, no reason to fuss about it much, Control is imprecise and to start with fans are allowed +/- 10% speed deviation from specs.
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First, for the AIO cooler system you have, it comes with two different cables that plug into its PUMP unit, and you choose to use one of them. That was done when it was built for you, so you may not have both. One of these has only one "arm" to connect to the CPU_FAN1 header. The other has three "arms" to go to separate mobo fan headers. So, which is installed in your system? From you photo I believe you have the "three-arm" version installed.

IF it is the one-arm type, all parts of that system - the pump, the small cooling fan on top of the pump, and all three rad fans - are powered and controlled by the CPU_FAN1 header. That system alters its pump speed (unlike many other makers) by itself in a manner related to the rad fan speeds, but you may never notice this. The small fan on top of the pump should always run, I believe. The rad fan speeds will change as workload changes. MAYBE that fan might not run when the system is quite cool when idling right after a new start-up. In BIOS Setup this CPU1 header should be set to PWM Mode.

IF the cable from the pump has THREE "arms" (I think that is what you have), then it needs to be connected this way according to labels on the connectors at each arm end. PUMP (with 4 wires to it) goes to the PUMP_FAN1 header. RAD FANS (2 wires) should be to the CPU_FAN1 header. VRM (also 2 wires) to the SYS_FAN header next to that. Now for each of these you need to ensure the right settings in BIOS Setup. For CPU_FAN1 set it to PWM Mode, set Temperature Source to CPU core (IF you can - some mobos do not give you any choice for the CPU_FAN1 header). For both the PUMP_FAN1 and SYS_FAN1 headers set to PWM Mode and CPU core temperature source. For all three headers I suggest you start ty choosing at lower right the Set All Default option, then review the PWM and CPU core settings at upper left to be sure they are still set right. When done, use F10 to Save and Reboot.

Those settings should get all the CPU cooling system parts under automatic control according to the internal CPU chip temperature.

Now we turn to the case ventilation fans. First item is to review what SkyNetRising showed you above in sketches. Examine closely the cables from each case fan, noting which mobo SYS_FAN header each is connected to. The important item for each is how many wires there are at the connector. Now go into BIOS Setup for each of these SYS_FAN headers. Start by setting each to Set All Default at lower right. IF there are only THREE wires from a fan (and that means one pin of the mobo header will NOT be used), then that header needs to have its Mode setting at upper left of its screen set to DC, not to PWM or Auto. (A 3-pin fan set to PWM Mode will always run full speed,) IF there are FOUR wires, set that header to PWM. For ALL headers for case fans set the Temperature Source to SYSTEM. Again, use F10 to Save and Reboot. This will get all such fans under proper control according to a temp sensor on the mobo, and their speeds all should vary according to workload.

My recommendations above regarding the "fan curve" are to use the default curves to start. The manufacturer generally sets good curves for normal use. AFTER you have run for a while and get accustomed to the system performance you can reconsider whether there might be any advantage to changing one curve or another. In doing that, remember that "there is no free lunch". That is, you CAN set your fans to run more slowly to get less noise, BUT that means you are forcing your components to run hotter than intended, potentially reducing lifetime. Conversely, running fans faster than needed may be of little benefit and will create more noise. In general, none of your fans should operate near full speed until you have a heavy workload.
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