Can I boot from SATA Raid card?


Apr 24, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I have an Intel d875pbz mobo and already have a sata raid 0 setup off
the mobo, but I need more space and was planning on another sata raid
0 config but I'll need a pci card. So is it possible to boot from
that card? If not, I shouldn't lose any data moving my current sata
raid 0 drives from the mobo to the pci card, right? My current drives
are 10k rpm and I want them for video editing only, and not for the


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On 24 Apr 2004 11:47:33 -0700, (gv) wrote:

>I have an Intel d875pbz mobo and already have a sata raid 0 setup off
>the mobo, but I need more space and was planning on another sata raid
>0 config but I'll need a pci card. So is it possible to boot from
>that card? If not, I shouldn't lose any data moving my current sata
>raid 0 drives from the mobo to the pci card, right? My current drives
>are 10k rpm and I want them for video editing only, and not for the

Yes you should be able to boot from a PCI SATA card.

No you can't just move RAID arrays from one controller to another without
losing the data.

Do you have only one pair of drives in a RAID0? If so, you may be better
off using each as a single drive, then while editing you'd have one drive
as source and the other as the destination drive, instead of reading and
writing to/fro same array. Of course adding the 2nd SATA controller and
another pair in a 2nd RAID0 can eliminate that issue. If you were needing
the RAID0 to capture uncompressed video then you might consider using a
lossless codec to reduce data rate.


Apr 24, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Cool, thanks, I'm glad I asked about switching controllers. Currently
I do have only 1 array of 2 drives and thats it, so I'll have to move
my data first.
Thanks again

> Yes you should be able to boot from a PCI SATA card.
> No you can't just move RAID arrays from one controller to another without
> losing the data.
> Do you have only one pair of drives in a RAID0? If so, you may be better
> off using each as a single drive, then while editing you'd have one drive
> as source and the other as the destination drive, instead of reading and
> writing to/fro same array. Of course adding the 2nd SATA controller and
> another pair in a 2nd RAID0 can eliminate that issue. If you were needing
> the RAID0 to capture uncompressed video then you might consider using a
> lossless codec to reduce data rate.