can i enable sli on my mobo


Dec 16, 2013
I have: I7 3770 non k
Msi gtx 660 non ti
mobo : zh77a-g43
Power suply is power logic 375 750W. I'm going to buy another gtx 660, can i run sli on my mobo?

I don't trust HyperSLI and a lot of people say they get green lines and spots in games when using it. It is also an unsupported aftermarket product not made by Nvidia. so I wouldn't trust it. This is just me though, you can do what you want 🙂

from what I have seen they will not run at FULL power but they will run together like in SLI. This is one drawback though to using unofficial software. 🙂
It maybe possible with hyoerSLI (never used it myself I prefer hardware support) but the PSU is also a big problem. It's advertised as 750w, but only has 2 10a 12v rails which is absolutely horrible. Im surprised it can even run a single 660. I have seen 300w power supplies that have more power than that and the 12v rail is the most important.

That sounds like a good idea. I was never really into SLI, I would rather have 1 really high performance card. Also you might as well change your power supply. It is pretty bad form the reviews I have seen. If you give me a price range and if you want it modular, semi-modular, or not modular, I can find you one.

My price range is 320euros for GPU and PSU.
I live in Montenegro in Podgorica.It's in Europe. Do you know any online store for pc components that can be shipped to Montenegro? I know but there are no pc components.