[SOLVED] Can I make my CPU run faster without overclocking it?


Jun 2, 2018
My CPU runs at 65-70 degrees at full load in benchmarks and games. It is a non-overclockable Intel i5. I am wondering if there is something else I can do to make it run faster in the cost of a higher temperature since I feel like it is performing pretty poorly.
While you may be able to find an experimental bios for your motherboard, and unlock baseclock multiplying, doing so would make your system much more unstable for not much more performance at all. I wouldn't recommend it. Other than that you could put your pc right next to a window a/c unit. Might get you a little boost from the thermal delta but not much.
Which i5 do you have? If you are looking for better gaming performance, you would likely be better off focusing on getting a new gpu instead.
While you may be able to find an experimental bios for your motherboard, and unlock baseclock multiplying, doing so would make your system much more unstable for not much more performance at all. I wouldn't recommend it. Other than that you could put your pc right next to a window a/c unit. Might get you a little boost from the thermal delta but not much.
Which i5 do you have? If you are looking for better gaming performance, you would likely be better off focusing on getting a new gpu instead.
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My CPU runs at 65-70 degrees at full load in benchmarks and games. It is a non-overclockable Intel i5. I am wondering if there is something else I can do to make it run faster in the cost of a higher temperature since I feel like it is performing pretty poorly.
Power management settings? Also, only the multiplier is locked. You can try to raise clock setting too. Be aware that over clocking will only give a 7 to 15 percent increase in performance in the best case scenario. Time to move up to Rysen.
Maybe just some maintenance. Has it been a while since you have put new thermal paste and or cleaned CPU cooler of dust. Is your Windows 10 fresh or have you been using same install for a couple of years?

And like mentioned above with putting by window or a cooler is your best bet
I don't think cooling down the room will do anything for the clock speed. It will give you more headroom for increasing it if you can, but otherwise will only help your temps and that's it.

If you are worried about temps and don't care about noise, just floor the cpu fan and even system fans. Your system can run a lot, lot cooler than when it is trying to be 'quiet'.