Question Can I re-pair the Touch ID of iPhone SE 1st gen from another 5s or SE 1st gen Touch ID / home button

May 19, 2023
Hey guys
I had a problem with my OGSE (iPhone SE 1st gen). My friend just fall down off from his hand and turned off for sometime. At that Noon of the day, the phone turned on and booted no problem and shows an error after unlocking the passcode " Touch ID- Unable to activate Touch ID on this iPhone".

Evening, I tried to open the phone with pentalobe screw, Then found this. Touch ID cable broken from middle of the cable. So, What I do?😢
That is the simplest way to unlock the phone and access locked apps -Touch ID

So I have 5s and if I move the touch ID button to SE will the touch ID feature restore back or not ?

If not, how can we restore back? or How can I reprogram it? How can I fix it
If not, how can we restore back? or How can I reprogram it? How can I fix it
You can't. You cant. You can't.

You can move the button to the SE, but you wont retain the TouchID feature. It's matched with the motherboard that the button came with originally (i think).

The only way to replace the button and to retain Touch ID functionality is to get it repaired by Apple. (not gonna be cheap tho)

Many parts of the iPhone are not repairable, and if replaced it will give errors that its not original, although the Touch ID thing is a security feature IMO. Same with the newer Face ID modules.
If the problem is only a broken Touch ID cable then replacing the cable should allow your friend's touch to again unlock the phone.
It's not my friends iPhone. Its mine

When I m using (Just scrolling Reels in Instagram at that tym) and suddenly he scares me and phone falls down.
Okay: I understand that the phone falling was an accident and the TouchID cable is broken.

Still there is no way to get around TouchID without both a working TouchID cable and your specific touch to unlock the phone.

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