Can i run Dishonored 2?


Aug 7, 2015
I know the specs are not out yet but could you at least tell me if theres any possibility i could run that game with my set up?
I5 4690
8gb ram
7850 1gb
i play at 768p i dont mind even lowest settings
I would say yes, 1gb of VRAM is the only thing that may be a problem. I would think it would be okay at 768p lower settings but I cant say for sure.

hi can i ask if there's a possibility of me running dishonored 2 with the following specs: (my desktop is an all in one)
Windows 10

Video card: AMD Radeon HD 7400m series
(I checked online and apparently the thing I'm lacking of is dedicated video ram - dishonored 2 requires 3GB but I only have 1024 MB)

Intel core i5-2410M CPU @2.30 GHz

RAM: 4.0 GB (going to buy 4 more GB of RAM in a couple of days so my pc will be 8GB)