Can I test cooler temps without climate control?


Apr 8, 2017
This is a stupid question, but I would like to compare the tempatures of three different coolers on my computer for a school project. Unfortunately, I have no way of keeping the tempature in the room that my computer is in controlled. Would it be possible to correct the tempature to the aveage tempature of a room?

I know it is more of a science question more than a computer question, but I figured that it was still computer related enough to ask here.
You could check the temperature at the time of each test and report the performance differance from the current temp during the test and how much the temp change went up during the test.
To get a truly accurate test you would need the same temp and humidity. Then the results would be more accurate except the difference in the amount of thermal paste that was used.
You could check the temperature at the time of each test and report the performance differance from the current temp during the test and how much the temp change went up during the test.
To get a truly accurate test you would need the same temp and humidity. Then the results would be more accurate except the difference in the amount of thermal paste that was used.