[SOLVED] Can i use a USB to Eithernet adapter to connect a printer to a router?

You can't use that to provide a USB either.

A router upgrade may be the best answer. For $20 you can get an Asus RT-N56U on E-Bay. If you don't have dual band WIFI, this would give you print server capabilities and dual band WIFI.
You can't use that to provide a USB either.

A router upgrade may be the best answer. For $20 you can get an Asus RT-N56U on E-Bay. If you don't have dual band WIFI, this would give you print server capabilities and dual band WIFI.
You can also get a print server like this https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833139009 or a wireless one. They are often very cheap used on eBay or Craigslist. I have used a few routers with USB printer support and they were all very very slow, to the point that I thought the print jobs failed. It was minutes before they printer, and was a long delay between each page. I would much rather have a print server, at least from all of the routers I tried.