Can i use CCC for overclocking?


Aug 26, 2010
I noticed a function in the ccc called ATI overdrive is this for overclocking because i put both bars to max i didn’t notice very much improvement if any at all? so is this for overclocking or just looks
You obviously have no idea what you're doing if you just "put both bars to max" thinking they would overclock your card. If you did that on something like rivatuner you'd burn your cards out in seconds.

Forget COMPLETELY about using ATI software to overclock and do some research into RiveTuner as it's pretty much industry standard to use.
It is for overclocking your card however,

I dont think you should do any tweaking of anything until you learn more about what it is your trying to do instead of just ramming all settings to full,
if you went into your bios and changed your voltages in that manner you'd soon see why.
your lucky that software clocking tools like ccc and AMS Overdrivel are conservative and usually have protective designs built in, otherwise you could be burning your house down quite easily
It is a good idea to list your system specs when asking specific questions. At the very least list the make/model card are you trying to overclock!

If you just slid both bars to max (a very bad idea) and noticed no changes that's prolly because the gpu could not actually overclock to those levels and the Overdrive Utility reset the gpu and memory speeds back to default.

There are 3 bars in the Overdrive section, 1) for gpu speed, 2) for memory speed, and 3) for fan speed. If you only changed the gpu and memory speed without adjusting the fan speed, the card can/will quickly over heat and the utility will auto reset speeds back to default.

Not sure if you noticed but one of the buttons in the overdrive section is to TEST the overclock speeds you are attempting to reach. it is HIGHLY recommended that you adjust the speed of the gpu and memory in small increments, say 5MHz at a time, and test, test until the test fails, then back the bars down a notch. By following this method you will realize the max gpu and memory speed that can be achieved with you card.

You can achieve the same gpu overclock results with either Overdrive or Rivatuner; byt note that Rivatuner will give you a deeper level of access than overdrive; and as mentioned, unless you know what you are doing, it is not a good idea to even bother with Rivatuner or the deeper levels available.

From your post, I suggest you follow the above method using Overdrive to overclock you gpu so you don't unintentionally fry your gpu.
I actually find Rivatuner something i wouldn't use 😛
I find that MSI Afterburner is excellent for OCing your VGA card. Although it's practically Rivatuner because they developed it, but MSI Afterburner offers a bit more features.

What is your graphics card? Most VGA cards a have a sweet spot usually where they end up for a max OC. However most involve Max OCs with moving voltage up. Like chunkymonster said if you adjust the clock speed of your gpu will produce more heat therefore requiring a higher fan speed to keep it cool. memory clocks are really nothing but you can OC it, i just tweaked it a bit. But the Core clock is really what you want to OC the most as that is what has to do with your cards performance. Also if you get Afterburner, get Kombuster as well the giant MSI logo will allow you to identify a stable OC. If its stable, no artifacts(they should be yellow squares in Kombuster i've noticed only a disruption but not yellow squares) will be seen. If you don't use Kombuster, Furmark is a good way to go as it shows the artifacts just the same only as yellow squares.