Hi, I'm having some trouble trying to make an old server work again.
The server doesn't start when is connected into the energy, so I decided to check the power supply, by doing a bridge. Unfortunately, the power supply didn't start, so I decided to use another one, but the problem here is that it looks like it is incompatible, or maybe it's compatible, I'm not sure. I don't want to burn the motherboard or some device in the old server, so that's why I decided to ask for help.
In this drive share there are some images you can see to tell me about your opinions.
The photos that are from the 4 to the 7 are from the old power supply which is broken.
The others are from the new power supply.
In the images 8 and 9 is shown how to the new power supply would fit.
Thank you so much for your possible help, regards.
The server doesn't start when is connected into the energy, so I decided to check the power supply, by doing a bridge. Unfortunately, the power supply didn't start, so I decided to use another one, but the problem here is that it looks like it is incompatible, or maybe it's compatible, I'm not sure. I don't want to burn the motherboard or some device in the old server, so that's why I decided to ask for help.
In this drive share there are some images you can see to tell me about your opinions.
The photos that are from the 4 to the 7 are from the old power supply which is broken.
The others are from the new power supply.
In the images 8 and 9 is shown how to the new power supply would fit.
Thank you so much for your possible help, regards.