[SOLVED] Can mites harm my PC significantly?

Dec 14, 2019
I've recently had a problem with mold/dust/PC mites in my room, and I find a couple on the outside of my PC ever so often. I also see a few inside on the ceiling of my case, but none on the actual components of the PC (GPU, MOBO, CPU, etc), or at least I can't see them. I wipe any off that I see, but I'm not home all the time because of work and school so I want to know if this little pests will harm my PC in the long run, and also if anyone knows of any repellent that works well. Thanks!
How do you see those mites?


Do not spray or otherwise "treat" your PC.

Overall, more information is needed.

But you also need to do more of your own research regarding what is going on in your room.


Do not stop with the above link. Research as necessary and applicable to narrow things down a bit.

Also, do not confuse ordinary dust and debris with dust mites per se. They co-exist and some simple dusting may reduce the "problem".

Dust mites will not hurt your PC unless they evolve to some metal eating monster that devours your PC.

If that happens, then we are all in trouble..... :)


How do you see those mites?


Do not spray or otherwise "treat" your PC.

Overall, more information is needed.

But you also need to do more of your own research regarding what is going on in your room.


Do not stop with the above link. Research as necessary and applicable to narrow things down a bit.

Also, do not confuse ordinary dust and debris with dust mites per se. They co-exist and some simple dusting may reduce the "problem".

Dust mites will not hurt your PC unless they evolve to some metal eating monster that devours your PC.

If that happens, then we are all in trouble..... :)
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Dec 14, 2019
How do you see those mites?


Do not spray or otherwise "treat" your PC.

Overall, more information is needed.

But you also need to do more of your own research regarding what is going on in your room.


Do not stop with the above link. Research as necessary and applicable to narrow things down a bit.

Also, do not confuse ordinary dust and debris with dust mites per se. They co-exist and some simple dusting may reduce the "problem".

Dust mites will not hurt your PC unless they evolve to some metal eating monster that devours your PC.

If that happens, then we are all in trouble..... :)
I found a video of what I'm talking about,
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZedk4GbLoI

These are what they look like, just not that many. There used to be a good amount that would pile on the top of my PC, but thinking it was dust I would simply brush it off. I didn't realize that they were insects until I got annoyed seeing a pile of "dust" every other day when I came home. I just today cleaned the hell out of my room and used a lot of pesticide in the area, also took a rag with some pesticide on it and wiped the outside case. There are far less than what I've been seeing, but there are still a few here and there.


Re-read the link I provided in my first post (#2). Pesticides do not work.

The infestation may just have been some fluke of circumstances and conditions.

I had a nest of ants (eggs, larvae) move in along side and under a power adapter one cold, rainy spring a couple of years ago. Overnight invasion through a very tiny crack.

The mites may be on the case because it was warm but not on internal components per se because the components are too hot.

Do not know your location and environment (not asking either) but you will probably need to do continuous cleanings to narrow down the mite infestation and remove habitats for them.

Check other rooms and locations - hopefully it will not take too much effort to clean them all out and deprive them of food and habitat. There will likely always be some around but you will be able maintain a more "normal" balance.

Google "mite infestations": there are some good articles with more explanations and recommendations. Including prevention and treatment.

For example:


Be sure to read warnings and follow all instructions for anything you use.