Can my pc run bf4 on ultra 1080p with a r9 290x upgrade

Fatih Kuru

Feb 26, 2015
Hello all,

Quick question;

I have an ancient pc and would like to know if it can run bf4 on ultra at 60fps+

Here is my pc;


CPU: intel core 2 quad q9300

GPU (not baught yet): Sapphire R9 290X GDDR5 4GB 512Bit or Asus R9 290X DirectCU II O.C. 4GB GDDR5 512Bit

Ram: 6gb ddr2


SSD: OCZ 120GB ARC 100 Serisi Sata 3.0 SSD


Look forward to hearing your replies,

Thank you!

1) multiplayer bf4 is more cpu intensive, the game doesn't need an amazing gpu to max out it's graphics but it does like decent cpu performance, especially in large zones with many players.
2) do not buy the asus direct cuII r9-290x. asus went cheap with the cooler and simply slapped their gtx780 cooler onto it, the result is it fails to proppery cool the gpu, vram and vrms on the card. the sapphire is a better option, the best would be an MSI Gaming r9-290x or a sapphire toxic r9-290x
3) for bf4, save yourself a bit of cash and get the r9-290, the 290x is sortof overkill at 1080p /60fps
4) that psu won't work with either card

Yeah, DDR 2, you have an ancient computer, Bud. So what everyone's commenting is pretty much the picture. Adding that 290 juice mixer might be overkill for your computer. I'd save a little bit more and build a new rig or if you got the coin, have someone build you one. Another option here, is asking, "How can I get the most bang for the buck?" Anyone here can probably tell you how or where to get good if not great deals. Look at their machines. They're custom made monsters.
Your PSU of 500W is also maybe a problem. 290x 's can use up to 300W making your complete system hitting the ceiling of your PSU. As your PSU is probably old the chance of killing it within a few months of using a 290x is ... a matter of time, if you even get it to work.
I downclock my 290x to 850/1020 because I only play bf4 on 1080p, ultra, no msaa but 150% ... graphics scaling or whatever. Never goes under 50-60fps. It's a supersampelAA monster with the 512-bit memorybus.
edit: okay sometimes it goes below 40fps for half a second and 30 fps when loading a level, no need to brag.