[SOLVED] can somebody track my PC using transfered files?


Jun 11, 2015
my pc running windows 10. i downloaded from internet and edited(using audacity) some audio files and some image files . now if i move those files(both audio and image) to a android phone using data cable, will my PC's unique id or something or IP adress of my PC gonna be attached to those files. can somebody trace back to my PC using those files? can somebody detect that those files came from my PC at all? can somebody track my PC using those files?
Some files can contain concealed data in the form of metadata through which its origin can be traced. But knowing how to do that is not simple and common users are not privy to that kind of knowledge. It basically goes into the domain of surveillance by law enforcement or sophisticated hackers(sometimes backed by nation states)...

Edit: Here is a technique explained. I have not tried it and not sure if it works but you can try...
Some files can contain concealed data in the form of metadata through which its origin can be traced. But knowing how to do that is not simple and common users are not privy to that kind of knowledge. It basically goes into the domain of surveillance by law enforcement or sophisticated hackers(sometimes backed by nation states)...

Edit: Here is a technique explained. I have not tried it and not sure if it works but you can try...
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