Can\'t boot from my second HD after changing to ADHI


Jul 31, 2012
After installing my SSD drive I changed from IDE to ADHI in the BIOs. How I can't boot from my second HD. I can select it but it won't boot. My first drive the SSD boots fine.

You need change something else in“regedit” to avoid this problem.

1)Run the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)

2) Navigate to the location:

3) Set the "Start" value to 0 (zero)

4) Restart computer go into the BIOS-> configuration->change the disk mode to "AHCI" (IDE is set as default commonly ) . Save the new BIOS configuration and restart so that Windows boots.

When Windows starts, it will detect the change, load new disk drivers, and does one more reboot to start up with them.

5) Install the latest driver of your motherboard.

Note: This method only works in Windows 7, Windows XP could not support.
If your CPU is based on AMD platform, you need to do another step, download the “AMD RAIDXpert” from AMD official website, then log in it and turn on NCQ mode. This is important.
If your CPU is based on Intel platform, you need no to do this, the NCQ mode is turned on autonomic when you change ide to ahci and install the latest driver of motherboard.
Actually, he needs to switch his bios back to IDE to be able to boot from the hard drive. Once booted off the hard drive, then make the registry changes that quesionboy suggested. Now you can go back into the bios and switch it to AHCI and should be able to boot from the hard drive.