L lostone77 Reputable Sep 22, 2014 1 0 4,510 Sep 22, 2014 #1 I am not trying to run both as one.I want to have one run motherboard and graphics.The other would be hooked to cd/dr,HD..ect.I am trying to upgrade my system with little money and I have 2 400w supplies from last year.
I am not trying to run both as one.I want to have one run motherboard and graphics.The other would be hooked to cd/dr,HD..ect.I am trying to upgrade my system with little money and I have 2 400w supplies from last year.
Entomber Admirable Apr 21, 2014 2,752 0 7,960 Sep 22, 2014 #2 you might have a hard time fitting them both in your case Upvote 0 Downvote
Because0789 Reputable Apr 2, 2014 358 0 4,860 Sep 22, 2014 #3 Not only that the motherboard and GPU are gonna pull the lion's share of the power anyway so they would still have to run off of 400watts Upvote 0 Downvote
Not only that the motherboard and GPU are gonna pull the lion's share of the power anyway so they would still have to run off of 400watts
Lee-m Distinguished Jan 27, 2009 866 0 19,210 Sep 22, 2014 #4 isnt the whole thing intended to be one big circuit ? Im not sure trying to use two psu's is a good idea personally. Upvote 0 Downvote
isnt the whole thing intended to be one big circuit ? Im not sure trying to use two psu's is a good idea personally.
Wolfshadw Titan Moderator Aug 3, 2006 28,424 1,619 133,290 Sep 22, 2014 Solution #5 You'd need an adapter like this one. -Wolf sends Upvote 0 Downvote Solution