Cannot Remove Password From User Account

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Jan 30, 2014
I have a user account (it does belong to the administrator group) that someone put a password on and can't remember. I've logged in to the Admin account in safe mode and tried to remove the password or change it but can't. When I try to remove it the password it says: "Windows cannot remove the password. password and/or account policies require the account to have a password." When I try to change the password it says: "Windows xp password does not meet policy requirements." I've checked the policies in Local Security Settings and they are set to allow no password and there is no minimum character count or complexity requirement set. The laptop does have a built in fingerprint reader if that's an issue. It's never been used and says it has no fingerprints stored.

What's the problem how do I fix this?
Sorry no one here is gonna help you with removing any password for any reason. Its against the ToS to ask, and its against them to provide assistance to anyone asking.
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