Question Can't cap graphics card temp (RX480)


Sep 3, 2014
Have had problems with my graphics card in the past so have had to cap the temp of it to around 70c using MSI Afterburner. My PC just crashed and when I loaded it back up MSI afterburner wont let me adjust the temp below the max (90) as it just resets itself when i click apply. I had this problem in the past and managed a work around but can't figure out how to fix. I literally can't do anything visual on my PC without it crashing now, all help would be appreciated.

Thank you

GPU: Radeon RX 480
Ininstal and re-install Afterburner. Do not keep your current settings when asked.

[For those that have a problem with their computer while running Afterburner, there is almost always a hardware problem with the computer. Some programs, such as games, will display all sorts of problems from graphical display to crashing while running Afterburner. This is caused by computer hardware that is not stable or under performing. Examples: unstable could mean not enough voltage to the CPU cores and under performing could mean the power supply. There can be myriad problems, so do not take those two examples as the only ones.]
Have tried both options and unfortunately neither work. I ran FurMark GPU stress test and it ran fine for 10 minutes at over 80 degrees so I'm not sure what going on. Maybe where I was capping the GPU at 70 it was throttling my PC and therefore it might be the CPU with a problem? I'm a bit lost to be honest, anything graphic intense still won't run.
Have ran stress tests on my GPU and CPU, also ran a memtest on my RAM and it all seems fine, they all passed and ran at high temps. Still when I go into a game or something graphical my pc crashes :/