Cant connect to internet with cable



Hello, I cant connect my gaming rig to the internett through cable, it has no wifi and im feeling pretty screwed please help. the error message is that the cable isnt plugged in... but it is and i know its not foulty. when i change the networking speed to 100mbs full/half duplex it sort of flickers a bit like its trying to get contact with the router but it never establishes it
If you’ve tried several ethernet cables and that didn't help, it's possible there's a hardware failure w/ the ethernet port on either the gaming rig or router. Try connecting the router and gaming rig to other wired devices to isolate which one may be the culprit. For example, what if you use a different ethernet port on the router? Or connect the gaming rig directly to the modem (assuming you have a separate modem and router, of course)?


tried 2 routers and different cables, thing is i dont think its a physical error seeing as if i plug the pc into another modem for example the neighbours it works just fine.. its kinda like its alergic to only our internett source for some reason... sounds silly i know but the rest of the pces in the house work just fine with the internett. its also worth noting that the gaming rig previously worked just fine with this internett aswell but it stopped working some time ago.. sent it in for repair they couldent find any foults and when i got it back from repair it worked back home too... and now its not working again. thanks for the quick reply btw i apriciate it
I assume by "gaming rig" you mean a desktop. If so, try booting a live Linux CD (e.g., Ubuntu) and see if you get connectivity, just to see if a change in OS makes a difference. If you're right that it's not hardware, then I would expect Ubuntu to work.


il give that a go. have tried several times to do clean installations of windows vista (its what came with the pc when i bought it a while ago) but to no success. thanks for the tip