Hey guys, I'm back again
. Today my problem is that I just brought my new PC build over to my grandmothers house and I can't connect to the internet on her connection. All I did was plug her Ethernet cable into my port on the back of my motherboard. I didn't touch any other cables or settings. It seemed to recognize there was a connection but said it was public and was trying to identify it. Then, I was unable to connect to the internet. Sorry it is hard for me to give a lot of info to debug the problem because I am typing this on another computer which uses the wired connection and I can't switch back and forth. I also know it was sending data but not receiving any.
I hope this is enough information,
Edit --- I'm going to post this in another category since I've gotten no help and this seems to be a less trekked category.

I hope this is enough information,
Edit --- I'm going to post this in another category since I've gotten no help and this seems to be a less trekked category.