Can't connect to the wired internet on another network


May 14, 2012
Hey guys, I'm back again :pt1cable:. Today my problem is that I just brought my new PC build over to my grandmothers house and I can't connect to the internet on her connection. All I did was plug her Ethernet cable into my port on the back of my motherboard. I didn't touch any other cables or settings. It seemed to recognize there was a connection but said it was public and was trying to identify it. Then, I was unable to connect to the internet. Sorry it is hard for me to give a lot of info to debug the problem because I am typing this on another computer which uses the wired connection and I can't switch back and forth. I also know it was sending data but not receiving any.
I hope this is enough information,


Edit --- I'm going to post this in another category since I've gotten no help and this seems to be a less trekked category.
Assuming that you installed LAN drivers and all the components work, which is likely on a new build, open the network control panel and where you see Network change it to a Home network.

Also make sure that you have your adapter set to get an IP address automatically by clicking on change adapter settings on the network control panel main page, right click the Ethernet adapter, select properties, then select Internet Protocol Version 4 and hit the properties button lower right of the while box.
Hi and thanks for the detailed reply. I checked to see if I was automatically getting an IP address and I am. I found where you go to change it to a home network (as you said) earlier but I can no longer find it (epic fail :pfff: ).
