Hi hope someone has an easy answer for me.
Running win7
I have an ext drive fat32 250gb (238gb) with 9.5gb free
Using ease us to create a partition
I'm trying to partition the drive into one large and the
Other a small partition 8gb or so. I want to do this
Without disturbing the data I already have on the drive.
If you're familiar with ease us software; you can shrink
The partition original size which creates unallocated
Space that can be used to create a new partition...
However i cannot shrink the size/resize. It just won't
Let me and I've come to a bump in the road.
Any ideas? Is there a step that I am missing or do I
Need more free space to create a partition?
My drive is basically a laptop drive inside a plastic case.
Running win7
I have an ext drive fat32 250gb (238gb) with 9.5gb free
Using ease us to create a partition
I'm trying to partition the drive into one large and the
Other a small partition 8gb or so. I want to do this
Without disturbing the data I already have on the drive.
If you're familiar with ease us software; you can shrink
The partition original size which creates unallocated
Space that can be used to create a new partition...
However i cannot shrink the size/resize. It just won't
Let me and I've come to a bump in the road.
Any ideas? Is there a step that I am missing or do I
Need more free space to create a partition?
My drive is basically a laptop drive inside a plastic case.