Can't logon to Win 2003 from two specific Win 7 workstations

Matt Charman

Sep 18, 2012
We have a network of approximately 20 computers, network printers, and one Windows 2003 Server (used simply as a file server). I have an issue with two specific Windows 7 Pro workstations that just will not logon. The username and password details we're using are correct, but the server rejects them. I can logon using the same account from any other Windows 7 Pro workstation, or Windows XP station, so I know the issue is specific to the two workstations communicating with the server.

Both afftected stations show Logon attempted by: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_1_0 error 0xC000006A which all searches on Google point towards incorrect login credentials, however I've tried plenty of perfectly valid login credentials and they don't work either.

I've tried checking that the 128bit option on the Windows 7 machines is disabled in file sharing etc.

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I can trace this issue?

No, these are all peer-to-peer setup as quite a few machines are laptops and move around a bit, plus some of the old copiers are networked and wont work with a domain controller.
OK - As far as I know 2003 will be using NTLM for authentication in this scenario.

This would definitely be a candidate if you were using a domain with kerberos but as far as I remember NTLM can also be affected. Check the system time on the clients and make sure they are the same as the server, it might be worth setting up an NTP server for ease of administration in future.
You're welcome, sometimes it is the simple things that cause issues.