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On Mon, 24 May 2004 10:50:37 +0200, Markus Zingg <>
>On Mon, 24 May 2004 08:56:21 +0200, coolmercy
><> wrote:
>>On Sun, 23 May 2004 11:48:58 -0700, "V Green" <>
>>>Do you mean that when you set up your
>>>capture hardware settings in AVI_IO they're all
>>>back to defaults next time you start it?
>>Not quite. AVI_IO does start with its default settings but after
>>hitting the record button it does show an error message telling me I
>>should set capture settings first. From the video settings menu I can
>>change format, sound and other options, save it to file but AVI_IO
>>doesn't open these .INI files while capture settings from the file
>>menu are left unchanged after loading the desired settings.
>>I tried to use my old Win98 .INI files but these don't work as well.
>This sounds to me like a knonw issue with the "save settings as"
>function. I recommend to delete (or rename) the avi_io.ini file which
>is located in the SAME directory as avi_io.exe and start all over
>configuring it. Then, it would be important to know if all works if
>you configure the settings and then capture. In other words it's
>important to know wether it captures at all or if it's really related
>to rereading the config out of the .ini file.
the solution you mentioned didn't work. In fact it was one of the
first things I tried to overcome the problem. It's going to take to
many words to describe all trial & error I met in trying getting
AVI_IO run on XP. Finally I solved it by removing the Hauppauge WDM
drivers from my system and replace them with the BTWincap driver from
Sourceforge. AVI_IO is now working fine, I can save my settings, the
only thing is that the program only runs in preview mode but I can
live with that.
Thanks & regards,
Peter van der Sluis
Pijnacker, The Netherlands
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