Can't read minidump, Windows SDK doesn't work


Nov 29, 2011
My computer keeps crashing after turning it on. It usually happens once then it works after switching it back on.
It's rare to get a BSoD screen, but I got one this time and a error report after switching the computer back on.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000008e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 9B983622
BCP3: 8C9E9C68
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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I've looked around the web for the bbc code and it sounds like it may be a driver problem? Anyhow I can't read the minidump file and Windows SDK with the symbols just plain sucks, doesn't install because of some unknown error and a text book for a log entry on why it sucks....

Can I just attach a dump file? I don't much of anything on computers and think it would be better for someone else to read it >.>
I'm sure you have seen from your web searches, there are many different occurences with this same BCCODE. Most of the time the cause is a corrupted driver. Suggest easiest solution is to Windows restore, if you have a date when the error was not occuring. Lacking that, you need the Windows CD to repair-install the OS.