Can't Remove Nvidia Programs - Help Please!!

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Jul 24, 2012
How do I remove old/un-used programs from:
Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3d Settings > Program Settings ?????

When I want to remove an added program such as a profile I added back in the day for a game I don't have installed now - for instance a profile for Ghost Recon - I see it under: "select a program to customize" bar. I have "show only programs found on this computer" ticked on. I also got "Add", and "Restore" appears if I make changes.
BUT I CAN'T PRESS REMOVE. For some reason it's always be grayed out - with every game. Even un-installed ones. Even after uninstalling the Nvidia drivers, and/or installing new ones with clean install.

Before you suggest Nv Inspector - I have already tried that - it worked well, but when installing NEWER drivers - all the old profiles RETURNS.

Please help, I can't get rid of thos "dead" old programs.
If you are not performing a clean install when you update your drivers, you will get these types of "artifacts". Backup profiles you want to save, download the current WQHL drivers from Nvidia, COMPLETELY uninstall old drivers/software, including using driver sweeper or ccleaner, reinstall current drivers/software.

I have found that if you do a clean install, even on updates, you save yourself a lot of headaches.


Dude, I tried. I mean I didn't really uninstalled last times, since I just either use the Nvidia Experience to download latest drivers or download them myself. Then I just install the driver, and it basically installs over the old one - I read many times that it is ok.
Besides uninstalling nvidia drivers is a pain - you have to uninstall one driver, reboot, now 3d vision reboot, now console, reboot etc...

Anyway - like I said, I ALWAYS USE CLEAN INSTALL - so why doesn't it work??
Can you please suggest a proper way to purelly uninstall Nvidia and remove those programs for good?
Another update:
Tried uninstalling manually: so I uninstalled audio driver, reboot, uninstalled 3d, reboot, uninstalled driver etc - until it was done.
Then I used cleaner to fix and clean both reg and apps.
I also deleted manually in safe mode both folders of Nvidia in Program Files and in Prgorams Files x86.

I installed the latest Beta Driver - USING CLEAN INSTALL.

W T H ?

LOL I don't know if to cry or laugh! I just did everything that was in that post and more:
Fully removed all Nvidia Folders and Registery Entries by following that post + using Guru3d Driver Sweeper + completely uninstalling + CCcleaner + re-installing drivers with Clean Install = NOTHING = old dead programs/profiles in Manage 3d Settings - are back 😛 - Unbelievable!!!
And I still can't delete any of them!!!!!
So much for driver sweeper programs eh? Have you tried simply deleting all the Nvidia files from the system32 folder? I don't know if it'll cure your problem but its what I've done in the past when a driver chucks up the "no hardware found error" as it forces windows to revert to its default driver which will have no profiles.

That's the one thing I haven't tried to be frank. I also read somewhere that those programs in *Nvidia Control Panel > manage 3d settings* are tied somehow to some files in the windows folder and/or to Windows' registery!
Have you read the guide @markwp posted above? it was very through, including registery removals, but nothing in System32.

Can you tell me the exact files to delete???? I don't want to mess up my system. No file is named nvidia, but there are some .dll files that start with "nv". Please be specific <<<<<

I did read that guide which is why I made the suggestion. If you are unsure of the file then just click on "properties" and if it is an Nvidia file then delete it, and remember to empty the recycle bin before rebooting.
In short: What files should I delete in *system32* EXACTLY?
I don't want to destroy my system.
Also - do I need to uninstall drivers again? do a cleanup again? WHAT STEPS SHOULD I TAKE NOW EXACTLY WITH MY DRIVER INSTALLED AND WORKING PROPERLY (aside from dead unremovable profiles)??

Delete all the Nvidia ones, simple.

Please be a little bit more specific. Sorry I stress this, it's just that system32 files are exceedingly crucial. Also do I need to uninstall my drivers? manually erase something? Because after the guide I installed back my drivers.

Also, there are a bunch of "nv" starting files in *Syswow64*, which is also in the *windows* folder, near *system32*. What should I do about them?
if you have been through this already, I would appreciate some more details. thanks.

Furthermore, if I delete those files now, my driver would be messed up?? will it even work?
I'm not on my Nvidia rig at the moment so I can't spoonfeed you the specific file names but like I said before, if you are unsure then just check the properties of the file before you delete it. And as I have only resorted to this when I have had a problem changing drivers I've never bothered uninstalling first as this will kill the current driver install.

Only in system32? What about Systemwow64?

Mr. moderator? anything?

Didn't work! Now I officially tried everything:
A) uninstalled all drivers using add/remove.
B) Drive Sweeper
C) followed the guid to eradicate every last bit of Nvidia file, folder and registery entries.
D) Deleted all Nvidia .dll files from both system32 and systemwow64.
E) used CCleaner to check and remove leftovers.
F) manually searched for leftover and removed.
G) Finally - installed the newest driver - using Clean Install - that should have removed everything!

I did all this - and when I open "Manage 3d Settings" and go to "Program Settings" - I saw the bar was blank! I cried in joy! but the moment I clicked on it - it refreshed - ALL THE BAD DEAD OLD PROFILES/PROGRAMS WERE BACK - AND I STILL CAN'T !$!%^!@%! REMOVE THEM.

If anyone here really thinks he knows something about computers, and is smart enough to face this challenge, please say something and help!

Thanks for the link Mousemonkey! Dude I have a very similar problem as you except I have an extra problem to my problem. When I update my drivers all my profiles gets deleted and a whole bunch of old unused profiles come back. And I cannot find ANY WAY to get rid of those. But SOMEHOW, adding a new game profile in there deletes them all! I don't know what the hell is going on but I'm thinking about doing a complete fresh install of Windows. Would that even work? lol

Hey I read your post as well. Man, our two issues are a lot more similar that you would imagine. In fact I think the both originate from the same source: we need to FIND WHERE THE PROFILES (aka "programs to customize" in *manage 3d settings*) ARE STORED.

I also have that issue when, old profiles I added almost a year ago, for games I don't have installed anymore - appear after I install new drivers. I can't remove them, I ALSO CAN'T REMOVE ANY PROGRAMS FOR THAT MATTER. So if I add a program for a new game: for instance Batman Origins, Titanfall etc... the moment it is there - it is unremoveable.

For all those who are willing to help in this dire subject, check out this link, another dude had the very similar issue as myself:

The image is a perfect reference: you can see old programs appear with blank icon - such as Dead Space 2 - and THE "REMOVE" BUTTON IS GRAYED OUT - you can't remove them. Programs that are currently installed, will have an icon, but cannot be removed as well!!!!!!

So we are stuck with ever-flooding program list, while TGTzeng here loses profiles too - but like me we keep getting flooded by unremovable "skeletons" of dead-old profiles.

I would also like to add: messing around with that folder/reg removal guide + deleting stuff from system32/systemwow64 + sweeper - IS BAD BUSINESS!!!!
THIS HAD TOTALLY MESSED UP MY SYSTEM. Although I followed every guide exactly step by step. I ended up with tons of missing dll errors, unable to uninstall, crashes, physx not working, nvidia experience not working etc etc.. Had to restore my system about 10 times to 10 different time periods untill I found a safe spot. Had to reinstall drivers like crazy GEEEEEEEZZZ......
It isn't worth it.

I sure hope somebody here in the forums have a solution, because dealing with that unremovable profiles and old profiles issue made more trouble than the bug itself....!
Found some more reference here, all these people share our same problem more or less:

ESPECIALLY THIS GUY - it's like my problem! See how he can't press "remove"??

NOTE: I tried Nvidia Inspector - worked great - BUT ONLY UNTIL THE NEXT DRIVER.
You can use inspector to remove any programs, but when you update your drivers, even with clean install, you get spammed with your old profiles and theresome!

C'mon people, how the heck do we solve this issue???

I think I did in that long guide, and I did so about 3 times. But please be specific? Where is that appdata folder exactly?? (there are several AppData folders in windows). Also, what folder exactly?

Can I try to delete it (to the recylce bin) see if it works, and if not, restore them from the bin?
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