Can't Restore my DVD Reader/Writer


Aug 21, 2010
Windows XP sp3 suddenly won't recognize the tsstcorp cddvdw ts-l632n optical drive in my HP dv5810us Notebook. I tried several restores, have used regedit to remove the upper and lower filters, have done countless searches on the web for appropriate drivers, and tried to manually re-install many of the generic DVD dtivers using Windows device manager, and Microsoft's Automated Trouble Shooter. Nothing works to restore my dvd reader/ writer.

Thanks for the suggestion- I tried it but still no CD/DVD player/writer. I went out and bought a USB unit to do just that. The new USB player/writer works just fine but it didn't help when I tried to do my repair install. Nothing changed.
Could be just the drive went bad. You don't happen to have a spare one to try?

Possibly another internal drive from another laptop may fit. The internal connections for these laptop drives are almost always the same, but the different manufacturers tend to make the case cut-outs different sizes so some drives may not fit.

Man, that'd be sweet if I did have a spare drive. I bought a new USB external optical drive instead. Didn't cost me an arm and a leg and works fine. In fact, every now and then, my original CD/DVD player/writer device pops back into the Device Managers list... but it doesn't last past the next restart of my system. Go figure!!!