cant seem to find the problem..


Sep 26, 2005
ok than guys, here's my long and sad story. first there was my comp. chugging away nicely until.. it started to randomly reboot. just simply rebooted, not when i was running any patticular program but simply out of no where. tested out each component by changing it with my friends, the RAM, harddrive, graphic card, n soundcard. but still the problem persisted. than one fine day, it didnt even boot up. got really frustrated and just sent it to repair. they informed me both my cpu and mother board is burned. replaced both with new cpu and mobo. came back, bought a new power regulator and continued using the comp. this was 2 weeks ago. than recently there started happening new problems. first there was error message displayed during windows startup concerning corrupted drivers. i formatted my harddrive and reinstalled windowsXP pro. worked fine till i was playin 'darwinia' and it suddenly rebooted. than windows displayed the same error message as before. that the driver is missing or corrupted. and just now, my comp couldnt even boot up!! really frustrated right now, hope u guys can have better ideas... by the way, when the computer started to reboot recently, i did repeat all the replacing and checkin as before.. thanks..
Are you using a surge protector? How's the power in your home? Try a different circuit and maybe a backup power source?

<font color=red><b>Long live Dhanity and the minions scouring the depths of Wingdingium!
Hah! at last got it.. looks like my CPU fan had an intermittant connection somewhere. it stops spinning sometimes and will start spinning after awhile. so the CPU overheats when the fan power connection is lost. man am i glad i realized that, thanks guys for your suggestions. rewired the connection and all seems fine :)