"1. Xbox 360 (no HDD)- 400
2. xbox 360 w/HDD - 500
3. Sony PS3 w 20 gig HDD - 600
4. Sony PS3 w 60 gig HDD - 700"
First, I paid $400 for my 360 on release day with a HD.. now you can get one for $300, I actually own 2 360's, one for myself and one for my son. I paid $250 for my Wii, which is due for a price break. I paid $850 for my latest PC I built, $600 for each of my girlfriend's and son's latest PCs respectively. My girlfriend and I have 22" Widescreen LCDs, my son has a 19" WS LCD. I've built all of my own PCs since the late 80's/early 90's when 4MB of ram would run you $200. We all game on each and every system in the house.
However, when my little cousins come over to visit, what is it you think they want to play? The answer isn't the PC, it's the 360 or Wii.
The most gaming I really do on my PC nowadays, is WoW (although Spore will eventually be added to the list). I would do more, if I didn't have terrible carpal tunnel, forcing me to use a trackball (at least until I have surgery). I've been gaming on PCs since the 80s when I owned an Amiga, a TRS-80, 8088/286 (CGA), Vic-20 and a C64, then to the 90s to present day with a 386, 486, (Cyrix 586 LOL), Pentium, PPro, P2, P3, Core2Duo, Athlon, X2 (no phenom).. not to mention the video cards Stealth S220, Voodoo, TNT, TNT2, GeForce1 - 8800GT, Ati Rage3D, 7500 - 4870. I've also owned at least one console from every generation, 2600, Coleco, Intellivision, Sears Triangle (not sure what it's real name was anymore), NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Master System, Genesis, SegaCD, Saturn, Dreamcast, Turbo Graphics 16, 3DO, Neo Geo console, PS1, PS2, XBox1, 360, Gameboy, Game Gear, DS, PSP.. and more that I can't remember.
Until the last few years, upgrading your PC's video card to play console or arcade quality games was expensive, hell as I mentioned above 4MB of ram would run you $200 not
that long ago. Sure the PC has had the upper-hand when it comes to graphics with the introduction of 3d gaming and the 3dfx Voodoo cards, but the console will always win for ease of use
and accessibility.
Yes, even console games have patches now, but it's all done seamlessly in the background and they will still run even if you don't have your console hooked up to your LAN. Unlike a few games I've bought for the PC over the years, that wouldn't even run out of the box without a patch.
There is room for all markets, PC gaming and Console gaming.. as well as handheld and cell phone. PC Gaming isn't dying, but it is not nearly as important as console gaming development is today. To someone who said consoles aren't big in Europe, that's a total falsehood as well. Europe's console market close to as big, if not the same size as the US. Europe is starting to take on Japan as far as importance in the console gaming realm goes. It is not nearly as important for a console to have the highest sales in Japan as it once was.
WoW also might have 10 million subscribers, me being one of them (actually we have 5 accounts in our house), but Halo 3 sold over 8 million copies between it's release day to January '08 alone, with millions playing on XBox Live every single day. Not to mention that the first-day sales of Halo 3 reached $170 million in the U.S., setting the record for highest gross of an entertainment product within 24 hours of its release, and worldwide totaling $300 million in it's first week worldwide.
I personally dislike having my PC hooked up to my 42in LCD TV to try to play WoW or Supreme Commander. I'd much rather sit in a chair at my desk, where I feel more comfortable using my keyboard and trackball. But the reverse is also true when I'm trying to immerse myself in an epic adventure such as Mass Effect or a hack n' slash fest like Devil May Cry 4.
I prefer playing fighting games (SCIV, DOA4), hack n' slash (DMC4, NG2), Non-MMO-RPGs (Mass Effect and JRPGS like Final Fantasy), sports games, racing games, action/adventure, platformers, some FPS and some RTS on consoles over the PC. I prefer MMOs, most FPS (if I could use a mouse), most RTS and turn-based strategy games on a PC. Well, even turn based strategies on the PSP/DS are quite fun as well.
I guess this long-winded mess of a post is just to say that there is room for both markets. I would even go so far as to say, no PCs aren't nearly as important as consoles when it comes to gaming anymore, except in certain genres. But it certainly is still important, nonetheless.
I really enjoy building/upgrading my own PCs and getting the best bang for my buck, having my hands inside the case and picking out my own parts is so much fun. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment when you test your new PC with some synthetic benchmarks and see how much your scores improve.
But, unlike PC game development, console game developers improve upon graphics, realism and other goodies by tweaking the systems and pushing more out of the hardware, rather than making you upgrade your components to get the most out of the game. Console games get "prettier" over the lifespan of the system, whereas a new PC game depending on your current rig can either run like a champ or run like a dud because your video card or processor is 2 or more years old.
The market isn't PC vs Console.. the market is gaming. Whether you prefer to do it on a console or a PC, is your choice. Whichever you choose as your favorite, or if you choose to embrace all forms of gaming, you'll come out on top. There is so much choice out there for consumers, that we can all be winners, no matter which we prefer.
No one platform is
better than the other, it is a personal preference we all decide upon and shouldn't think less of one another for liking something different from our own choice.
What is made abundantly clear by a lot of the comments here though, is that people really have lost all sense of how to use grammar, spelling and punctuation. While I'm far from perfect myself, some of the posts are just unbearable to read.
Yes, yes, I know.. TLDR.