CASE FANS 2pin molex


Nov 6, 2013
Hi people. So I am building my first computer and bough a relatively cheap case seeing as it's my first build.. It comes with 4 case fans each with 2pin molex connectors. This is just to clear things up and please correct me if I am wrong....

So am I right to in thinking I can only connect these fans to my psu molex connectors to power them and because they only have 2 pins I will not be able to control the speed of the fans regardless of whether they are connected to the psu or mobo.. If I want to control fan speed I will have to purchase fans with the 3/4 pin connectors to connect to my mobo(which my mobo has 3 4pin case fan connectors built inn)

Is this correct?

I want to be able to control the speed of my fans... I will not be bale to do this with the 2pin molex.. I will need the newer 3/4 pin smaller connectors to connect to the mob to be able to control fan speed.

Don't want to sound dumb but just wanted to clear this up in my mind so I know im looking for and sorry if I have repeated myself in the same question...LOL
Are the connectors the same size of the 4-pin Molex connectors, but only have two pins in them? If so, you can connect them using a fan controller that has 4-pin Molex connectors on it. You won't have any speed readings, unless you have a separate yellow wire in a 3-pin connector (same 3-pin connector as what is used to connect to the motherboard, but with just one wire connected).

ok so basically as there are only 2 pins(ground and power) on the fans I will not be bale to control fan speed.. I can only do this with 3/4 pin connectors whether that be connected to mobo or fan controller, to control them they have to have 3/4pins.??
A 2 pin fan can still be controlled, you just need a separate fan controller to do so. A fan's speed is based on voltage, and a fan controller can change the voltage going into the fan, ergo changing the speed of the fan. The only difference is that you just need another piece of hardware to do so.

What case did you get? The fans in it likely have 4-pin Molex connectors, but only have 2 wires connected (12V power and ground).

yes that is correct and I understand now I can control the fans but I will need to buy a fan controler to connect the fans to which will control them by a change in power/voltage.. more power=faster fans... less power=slower fans..

Now to control the case fans using speedfan or similar software I will have to buy fans with the 3/4 pin smaller connectors to which I can connect to the motherboard in order to control them in this way

sorry about this
ok thank you, the mother board has 1x 4pin cpu connecter and 3x 4pin case fan connectors. in order to use speedfan or similar software I will need the smaller 4pin connectors to connect to motherboard.

However I am still able to control the fans I have at the moment by using a fan controller to control the fans( that's the part I was unsure about)

Anyway thank you for clearing this up for me and sorry it was soo long winded. :)

and this is the case- it's just a cheap one till I have the experience of this first build under me