Check this one out.
I had one ordered for a server in work. We needed the extra bays to add two tape libraries. We've reconfigured the server since, but it's still a solid case and with ample possibilities. Not a bad price either.
If that doesn't work, New Egg has a search utility that lets you search for different parameters, including number of bays. Most towers you find you will still need to use an external bay or more, unless you use a double-wide case or that rackmount listed above (nice case, btw).
I think I've seen an external tower that will let you use SATA drives and connect it to a SCSI controller. I don't quite remember, but give StoreCase and Adaptec a look.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jheine on 05/30/04 00:08 AM.</EM></FONT></P>