Question Certificates store is broken?

Jul 16, 2024
Hi, last day was browsing certlm, and found many old/untrusted certificates, most of them were succesfully removed, but some were back after hour or so, event viewer told me that they were updated(capi2 event 4097/4109), but they were still the same, expired ones. Tries to solve it with deepai, but sadly didnt found solution, but noticed 2 more things, certuti wont open(well for less than 1 sec then immediately close) and in " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" theres no certsvc, only something like certpropsvc... Can someone tell me or my pc is totally broken? used factory settings before 2 months and i dont think i could do that myself. The Certs that are coming back are in folder both "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" as well as "Trusted Root Certification Authorities of other company"(well dont know how its called in english but simmilar like first things just "of another company")and the names are <image1>, the other two are in folder "windows live id token issuer" and are called <image2>.

The thing is, the ones in image1 are just outdated so i wanted to remove them, those in image 2... i have no idea where they even come from, but are untrusted because they are not in root cert store (or something like that)so wanted to remove then but they were back too.

Can someone help me with this please?
