Question Challenge: Cheapest Possible PC

Oct 22, 2019
I've recently given myself the challenge to build the cheapest possible PC using parts that are not from bids or craigslist (It can be built at any time). I have managed to get the price down to ~$48.40 (US Dollars). This price does not include a case or OS. If you're interested, please post any ideas you have to get the price down even further, or you can just try and create the cheapest possible list.
I had said no case as cases this cheap wouldn't improve ventilation at all, making them virtually useless.
There is not really a performance level required, it just has to boot into linux or windows.
Also, I currently am using an Acer motherboard with an embedded Intel Atom D2550, to save money off the cpu and motherboard. It's paired with a refurbished 460W HP Power supply, 1x2gb DDR3 @1066MHz (204-pin) and a 32gb USB drive intended only for booting the device.
Yeah, thanks for narrowing it down.
Also, just btw, I do not mind "used" parts as long as they are not a one-time purchase (They cannot be purchased in the future for the same price, from the same source).
To be honest, I've had a better experience with atoms then any rpi's. Raspberry Pi's ARM architecture greatly decreases it's capabilities, there's also less ram, and since you'll end up paying for a power cable and storage, it's just not worth it (In my opinion).