cheater video


Dec 26, 2003
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Cheaters....true or not? Well, here is the proof!
Here is Another InstaGib CTF aimbot demo...Pretty cool to watch.
I was playing Instagib CTF last night, when i noticed that one of my
teammates was.....Godlike!
So i went spec, and I have a demo for you. First half is ok, second half
make sure you hit ESC to make the menu go away, i minimized the game to make
sure that I was really recording the demo. There is a bit of stutter in the
second half, nevertheless, you can see for yourself.
I have two of them, the second later on.
Is there anything that can be done against such players?

More to read about it and get the video at



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It is an endless battle - it is a pity they never admit the truth and
always tell you you need to practise a lot more.


On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 17:41:52 -0500, <user> wrote:

>Cheaters....true or not? Well, here is the proof!
> Here is Another InstaGib CTF aimbot demo...Pretty cool to watch.
>I was playing Instagib CTF last night, when i noticed that one of my
>teammates was.....Godlike!
>So i went spec, and I have a demo for you. First half is ok, second half
>make sure you hit ESC to make the menu go away, i minimized the game to make
>sure that I was really recording the demo. There is a bit of stutter in the
>second half, nevertheless, you can see for yourself.
>I have two of them, the second later on.
>Is there anything that can be done against such players?
>More to read about it and get the video at


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that is why i will never buy another UT game again. until they fix the
cheats i will not give them another cent.

"Alfred Kaufmann" <> wrote in message
> It is an endless battle - it is a pity they never admit the truth and
> always tell you you need to practise a lot more.
> Ak
> On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 17:41:52 -0500, <user> wrote:
> >Cheaters....true or not? Well, here is the proof!
> > Here is Another InstaGib CTF aimbot demo...Pretty cool to watch.
> >I was playing Instagib CTF last night, when i noticed that one of my
> >teammates was.....Godlike!
> >So i went spec, and I have a demo for you. First half is ok, second half
> >make sure you hit ESC to make the menu go away, i minimized the game to
> >sure that I was really recording the demo. There is a bit of stutter in
> >second half, nevertheless, you can see for yourself.
> >I have two of them, the second later on.
> >Is there anything that can be done against such players?
> >
> >More to read about it and get the video at
> >
> >Enjoy!
> >


Jan 20, 2004
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"Clyde Anderson" <> wrote in message
> that is why i will never buy another UT game again. until they fix the
> cheats i will not give them another cent.

There are cheats for many games, not just UT. And there are things like AntiTCC
to prevent cheaters...blame the admin of the server if they don't set them up.


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On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 08:51:12 -0330, Clyde Anderson wrote:

> I am not aware of this Anti TCC thing you talk of, however i have heard
> there were some cheat"barriers" that were easy to get around.

Become more aware... The barriers can be gotten around, yes.

> bottom line is the game maker is the one that should make the game
> "uncheatable" and until they do, i refuse to buy the newer versions of
> the game.

Well, you're only hurting yourself that way. By the way, using that
logic, why do you continue to use Windows?

> i played UT2K3 last night and there were two players that could make
> impossible moves and shoot you from impossible angles, and when i
> brought up they were cheating they were like " learn to play noob" etc.

Some players really are that good.

> i've been playing since the original UT.

Does that make you a good player? Not necessarily...

If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Linux Registered User #327951


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On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 06:35:23 -0600, Dan C
<youmustbejoking@invalid.lan> wrote:

>> i played UT2K3 last night and there were two players that could make
>> impossible moves and shoot you from impossible angles, and when i
>> brought up they were cheating they were like " learn to play noob" etc.
>Some players really are that good.

Same old story. They are much better players, they have better
connection speed, they have a better video card, a faster cpu, a
progammable joystick, etc. etc. etc. I think any good experienced
player can tell when they are playing against cheaters.

Moving on to another server only helps a short time, these cheaters
are always on the move to show how great they are.



Jan 20, 2004
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"Clyde Anderson" <> wrote in message
> bottom line is the game maker is the one that should make the game
> "uncheatable" and until they do, i
> refuse to buy the newer versions of the game.

No game is uncheatable...I guess you are never going to play any games. Nor use
a computer at all, by that logic. There are exploits for everything. No matter
how secure you make something, there's always someone who can break through it.


Sep 21, 2004
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Grant wrote:

> No game is uncheatable...I guess you are never going to play any games. Nor use
> a computer at all, by that logic. There are exploits for everything. No matter
> how secure you make something, there's always someone who can break through it.

That's true, but its got to be said that cheating is very rare, at least
in my experience, and I haven't seen one player who I was convinced
was cheating in ONS yet. I play mostly on Anti-TCC servers.

I suspect the OP refuses to accept that some players are much better
than he is.


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Sloper <> wrote in

> Grant wrote:
>> No game is uncheatable...I guess you are never going to play any
>> games. Nor use a computer at all, by that logic. There are
>> exploits for everything. No matter how secure you make
>> something, there's always someone who can break through it.
> That's true, but its got to be said that cheating is very rare, at
> least
> in my experience, and I haven't seen one player who I was
> convinced
> was cheating in ONS yet. I play mostly on Anti-TCC servers.

The guy playing as AIMBOT on one of the west coast Primeval servers is
cheating. I've seen plenty of aimbots and there's no doubt about this

-Dan DAmouth


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my sentiments exactly aK

thank you for echoing my concerns..


"Alfred Kaufmann" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 06:35:23 -0600, Dan C
> <youmustbejoking@invalid.lan> wrote:
> >> i played UT2K3 last night and there were two players that could make
> >> impossible moves and shoot you from impossible angles, and when i
> >> brought up they were cheating they were like " learn to play noob" etc.
> >
> >Some players really are that good.
> Same old story. They are much better players, they have better
> connection speed, they have a better video card, a faster cpu, a
> progammable joystick, etc. etc. etc. I think any good experienced
> player can tell when they are playing against cheaters.
> Moving on to another server only helps a short time, these cheaters
> are always on the move to show how great they are.
> Ak


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"feldrew" <> wrote in message
> thanks Postal, appreciate the kind words. Hey, this is why we all got
> into it in the first place, right? Fun? So make it so. That's what Co30
> has been about since day 1. Not always perfect, not always quite right,
> not always the most intense players, but ALWAYS a good bunch, fun and
> fraggin' go hand in hand. I'm just lucky to be a part of the crew here in
> CrustyLand. My day job is stressful enuf, I don't need sh-te in my
> evenings when I want to chill, I want fun a la a good fragfest. We have
> some awesome guys who keep the server fresh, updated, and running smooth.

I'm with you there. I love to just drop in on a good game, get my ass kicked
a few rounds and jump out. I'm mediocre on a good day but I still enjoy the
sport of the game. I'd like to go into a clan but I just don't have the time
(<cough>skill<cough>) to meet at a designated time each week. That's why I
keep coming back to UT from other games. It's fast, dirty and fun. Kinda
like my first real girlfriend :)

"Therapeutic destruction"......I love the sound of that.


Sep 21, 2004
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Daniel Damouth wrote:
> The guy playing as AIMBOT on one of the west coast Primeval servers is
> cheating. I've seen plenty of aimbots and there's no doubt about this
> one.

I'm not saying cheaters don't exist, I'm just telling you I've never
seen one. Try playing on better servers, with anti-tcc running.


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"Folk" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:29:56 -0800, "goPostal" <none@this.time> wrote:
> Charlotte's too "big city" for me too. I lived in Raleigh for six
> years.... it was OK. I like the coast too. I go to Charleston a
> couple times a year for a week or so. I do like the mountains
> though.... N.C. has a lot to offer.
> So where are you now?

One of my favorite places in the world to visit was Folly Beach. I love the
people there. It has a wonderful small-town feel if you are a resident, and
they tolerate the tourists pretty much too. Matter of fact, I still keep a
business card from the hotel's gift shop in my wallet. Had it for 12 years
or so now. I actually tried pretty hard to get into Charleston, but the line
is pretty long. One of the last nice, quiet southern towns along the coast.
Myrtle and Virginia are far too commercial to enjoy yourself.

To make a long story short, we packed up and went west about 3000 miles. I
ended up on the Oregon coast at a lumber port town called Coos Bay. It's got
a bit of a "greasy spoon" feel to it, but the people are really nice. It's
definately not the east coast here, let me tell ya. People are waaayyyy more
laid back here. Almost to the point of it being annoying. Nobody gets in a
hurry to do anything. It's fine if you are walking the mall, but it's a
different story when you are waiting in line at Mickey D's.

The water's pretty cold here too (55-60). We surf and wakeboard but you
won't do it for long without a wetsuit. Still with the right gear you can
stay out until nature calls and not get cold.

As for the mountains, I used to live in the Appalachian foothills (KY). When
we were driving out here, we saw Mount Hood in the distance and I told my
wife "Wonder how far that is from us?" 50 miles later we were starting to
get close to it. I had no freaking idea how big a real mountain was. The
Rockies were really beautiful too. Wish we would have had time to stop and
see it all.

Oh, and to keep it "somewhat" on topic: Unreal Rules :))


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On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 20:15:50 -0800, "goPostal" <none@this.time> wrote:

>Oh, and to keep it "somewhat" on topic: Unreal Rules :))

Roger that. :p

When I said Charleston I meant Folly Beach, since that's where the
house is. I figured you would have heard of Charleston but not
necessarily Folly. But yeah, Folly rules. Fifteen minutes from
downtown Charleston but on the edge of the world. Nice.

Oregon? Man, that's what I call moving! I've been to the left coast
once, so I know what you're talking about with the water temps. Good
luck to ya!