^^Absolutely. I don't want to stereotype, but in general, Asian culture is pride/face saving first. This can be seen in all aspects of life in those nations down to airliner accidents like the Asiana Air Boeing 777 crash four years ago where the South Korean crew, all four of them in the cockpit mind you, did not question the captain's failure to control the decent profile with manual hand flying. He was used to using autopilot to land with a simple flare once over the numbers. History is rife with Asian based airline crashes where seniority was unchallenged if the first officer PM (pilot monitoring) crew member saw something wrong but culture preventing him from challenging his superior PF captain (pilot flying) for protecting his abilities/character (saving his face).
But regarding corporations vs. government, bear in mind the two are not mutually exclusive when it comes to lobbying for politicians. Every major corporation has a record of donating to a certain US presidential candidate's campaign in the hopes they'll get a "favor" return should their favorite candidate/party win. Hillary for example indirectly got tens of millions (yeah that's with an M) worth of donations from corporations and their employees through PACs and Super PACS for example, even though she ran largely speaking out against corporate America and "the crony capitalist rich elite" who run them. They used that money in campaign ads and funding her rallies. Federal law states corporations cannot donate directly to her campaign of course unlike individuals.
But regarding corporations vs. government, bear in mind the two are not mutually exclusive when it comes to lobbying for politicians. Every major corporation has a record of donating to a certain US presidential candidate's campaign in the hopes they'll get a "favor" return should their favorite candidate/party win. Hillary for example indirectly got tens of millions (yeah that's with an M) worth of donations from corporations and their employees through PACs and Super PACS for example, even though she ran largely speaking out against corporate America and "the crony capitalist rich elite" who run them. They used that money in campaign ads and funding her rallies. Federal law states corporations cannot donate directly to her campaign of course unlike individuals.