There was a big debate in the Linux kernel community about Loongarch being treated as its own architecture, precisely because they copy-and-pasted so much code from the MIPS tree. What I think this highlights is that a lot was borrowed from MIPS, though probably more system-level architecture (which is what the kernel is principally concerned with) than ISA.
Basically, the claim of Loongarch borrowing from MIPS isn't without merit, even if you can make the case that quite a lot of it is different.
Before LoongArch, loongson bought MIPS (around 2000; so more than two decades).
They became the most important developpers for MIPS.
Because they didn't have access to all patents, they maintained MIPS developpement who became later loongISA. LoongISA est MIPS enhanced. Loongarch is not based on MIPS microarchitecture
LoongArch have ;
-SIMD and binary translation
-Hig performance microarchitecture
-Mips Apps don't natively run on LoongArch, they need to be emulated mike arm or x86
-Loongarch and MIPS 64 are not compatible if running under linux.
Did LoongArch used somme open source mips (whom themselves worked on or riscV open sources codes ? highly probable
Does it make it a MIPS chip ? cerainely note.
According to Gentoo ! " LoongArch is not binary compatible with either MIPS or RISC-V, although the ISA and ABI show heavy influence of the two."
according to other major open source specialists, LoongArch is a new ISA.
What loongson do is no different from other majaor compagnies
intel 8008 derived from datapoint 2200 instruction set and later became X86
That's just the story of software or hardware, starting from a base doesn't mean you are the same
Chromim emerged from blink and blink from khtm
ChromeOS is built upon Geentoo linux
That's always been the game between tech compagnies
MacOS was built on nextstep. and its mach kernel nd they later wen away from it.
Apple still use XNU kernel (derived from mach)
MacOS is still based on darwin and darwin is a mix of BSD, mach Nexstep and other opensource libraries
And you what ? HarmonyOS is in the same path. Adding proprietary technologies on existing ones.
China do nothing different from other major tech compagnies
The humanity didn't feel the need to reinvente the wheel invented by persians. But all the wheels used in the world since 5,500 years ago are a derivative.
We still use a derivated ink invented by egyptian and chinese
And we still use a derivative of chinese printing concept.
In science, you don't have to constantly change concepts. You can invent yours based on others. This is called the history of humanity