Choosing a graphics card


Sep 14, 2011

after long time using my current configuration, I think it is finally time for an upgrade.

What is bothering me is the doubt about what GPU to get, so please give me your suggestions.

What I'm planning to get is this:

Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz

Corsair 4GB Dual Channel Corsair DDR3 1600MHz

Now about the GPU, I am thinking to get HD6850.

Is there a better card from the 6850 in the same price range ?
Also, will the CPU bottleneck the card ? (I will do some minor OC on the CPU)

Could you recommend me some good reliable MB for about ~130$ max ?

I almost forgot, is there any difference between the cards, when the brand is different ? (Like XFX HD6850-$165, MSI HD6850-$150)
As you can see from the text I don't have any big knowledge about hardware, so please don't be cruel ( 😗 ).

Your cpu will not be bottlenecked, as a matter of fact you can have much better, like a 6870, 6950 or 560ti. It you play games these are a lot better.
What resolution do you use and what is your psu ?
Than you really should put in some more money and go for the GTX560Ti or at least the HD6870. ( i tried them both and the 560 TI is really worth the extra cash imo )
Good brands are EVGA, Sapphire, Asus, MSI, XFX, HIS.
Btw, make sure your psu is 80+ certified, maybe better 600W. Good brands ; Corsair, Antec, XFX, Seasonic.

Good mobo i don't know.
I think you changed my mind ..

but the 560 is a bit above my budget..

So I guess this will be my choice ?

I was planning to get this PSU:

Will it do the job ? Because I am going to OC the cpu a little ?
And yes, will I need to change the stock cooler, or just 2-3 case fans will be enough ?
If $180 is your budget, then a Radeon 6870 is a good choice. But so is the GTX 560 (this is different from the GTX 560 Ti). I suggest you get whichever is cheaper, unless you are into overclocking, in which case the 560 will push a bit further.

Amazon isn't usually the best place for GPUs (although there are some fine deals there). If possible for your location, try

Definitely change the stock CPU cooler and that little guy should OC very well. It's definitely worth it considering how inexpensive decent coolers can be and how valuable a good OC is.
@robjordy, thank you, I'll have that in mind.

About the ram, I'll think about it.

Now about the cooler, would a CM Hyper 212 Plus 120mm be enough ?
Or I'll need to get the Hyper N520 ?

Zotac GTX 560 Ti 1GB Video Card w/ Batman Arkham City & Dungeon Siege 3 $184.99 (After rebate)

cant beat that

the Hyper 212 out performs the N520 and it cost less.
Hyper 212 ($25) actually outperforms some $80 coolers. Its the best out there for the money, get it.
I won't be able to get the 560Ti, because the offer will expire (I need to wait a week so I'd buy the conf.)

OK, I'll get the Hyper 212, thank you :)