Choosing a low budget processor for gaming


Mar 20, 2012
hi, I,m bit confused of choosing processors..!!
my spec intel pentium dual core E5200 2.5ghz
3gb ram
nvidia xfx 9500GT 1 GB

i like to change ma processor for btr.. but confused..~
intel 13 540 3.7ghz
intel pentium g630 2.7ghz (sandybridge)
intel pentium g870 3.1 ghz(sandy..)

any other processors at this price??????..
frndz wch 2 choose..???? wnt help..!! 😱

For the most part yes. Most games use only one or two cores as it is right now. Also the micro architecture of the I3 is pretty fast so the I3 can handle most games just fine. The only time the I3 starts to have some problems is in demanding games with huge multiplayer maps like BF3. If you are playing on a 64 player map with ultra high settings the I3 can start to struggle. For a budget though it's still a very good processor.
I would like 2 knw tht GTA IV , Arma II etc wil wrks on this spec........?

.intel G860... 1gb nvidia xfx 9500gt , 4gb RAM......

anyway G860 z much better than currently using E5200 ....right??????

The Sandy Bridge Pentium is the lowest end processor in the Sandy Bridge lineup. Both the Pentium and I3 are dual core with hyperthreading but the I3 is clocked a little higher. Both are good for a budget build and even though the Pentium is low end it can still actually game, no it's not an I5 or I7 overclocked to 4.5 GHz but it is good enough to play most games. The reason people probably go with the I3 over the Pentium is for the I3's higher clock rate.
don't forget what some of these guys are trying to tell you........... your processor is a 775 socket processor..NOT ONE of the processors listed is socket 775. you will also need to buy a new motherboard and probably memory. ............

not knowing what motherboard you have it's not a drop in the bucket to suggest a faster quad core that will fit.

For the most part yes. Most games use only one or two cores as it is right now. Also the micro architecture of the I3 is pretty fast so the I3 can handle most games just fine. The only time the I3 starts to have some problems is in demanding games with huge multiplayer maps like BF3. If you are playing on a 64 player map with ultra high settings the I3 can start to struggle. For a budget though it's still a very good processor.

Sandy bridge pentiums are not hyperthreaded.

Given that the op is interested in gaming and is on a budget, why wouldn't the pentium G860 be the recommended choice? It is currently $30 less at Newegg and games very close to the i3 2100. Seems to be a better bang for the buck, and the money saved can go towards his new mobo (or a better video card).

Even the G870 is $20 less than the i3 and has the same clock rate...the only thing you are giving up is HT and if you are primarily gaming it remains to be seen that HT is worth the extra cash.

That is a $35 price increase (almost 40%) from the G860 (on Newegg). What can the i3-2120 do for gaming that the g860 cannot? And if you can put that $35 towards a video card upgrade...
dude. they are different processors............ multi threaded apps will benefit more from the i3 than the pentium.

take a look at the games in this thread........... don't forget to read what's under the pretty graphics.

do the i3 and pentium support the same speed memory ?? anybody.

The answer to that


He is gaming, not running heavily threaded apps. And he is gaming on a low end card at that. Your link doesn't have the processors that we are talking about. This one does...,3120.html

And this article has these processors running with a 7970 -- if our OP is running a low-end card I would bet that the difference in frame rate would be virtually zero.

And yes, the G860 supports ddr3 1333, just like the i3.