Choppy on Borderlands 2 min settings but runs smoothly with Stanely Parable max settings (except a certain ending)

Jan 20, 2019
So it's an Hp pavilion p6000 (old i know but still works ok-ish). 6gb ram and an intel core 2 duo e4700, 2.6 ghz in it. Anyone have any clue as to why it can run graphic dependent game better than nearly a an interactive textured cartoon. I do understand this isn't exactly a good comparison considering in Borderlands 2 youre moving faster, shooting, etc. Where Stanley Parable it's move and click but thats the best one I got.
Its not the ram either, i've checked task manager while playing both and it manages those few precious little gigs hard

i appreciate the answer, it actually makes sense, but borderlands 1 i meant to say and didnt realize my mistake
also, there was no need to be rude about it, not everyone thinks about such things as you can see