Chosing between two systems

Nov 19, 2018

I am new around here. I joined because I have used this forum to answer many questions in the past, however this time I am looking for specific and direct feedback.

I recently aquired another PC for $125 and was planning to use it as a replacement for my current PC. I bought it used from a local electrical contractor who was liquidating, and all I did was add an SSD (cloned & migrated OS). I just want to make sure I am making a worth-while upgrade before I migrate my data and appliations over. I was hoping I could get some feedback as to whether this is a worth-while upgrade.

My current system:

New system:

It appears to me that the new system has more power. It just makes me wonder because my current system is a mid-sized tower, HP, from 2011. The new one is from 2015, but its a SFF business tower.


The newer PC is a definite bump up in CPU power. Also, it has double the RAM. Yes - it's a worthwhile upgrade for web browsing, watching videos, general productivity (email, MicroSoft Office), etc.

Thanks. I think I'm going to go ahead with the swap. I don't have a ton to move, but I think I will go ahead and do some wire management while I'm at it. I also will need to get a solution for reading SD cards, as my current tower has a built in reader but the new one does not.


Thanks for the tip. I have wondered if I need a GPU. I have never had a dedicated GPU in a computer before. I don't play any type of games. I generally use my computer for browsing, YouTube, and MS office. However, I had recently been doing some work with VBA macros. There has also been a few times I have stood up a Linux VM just to tinker with and learn. Not sure if this kind of usage would need a GPU or not. I could foresee myself in the future doing some video editing (just got a GoPro) and possibly even some 3D house plans/blueprints, but I figure I will cross that bridge when I get there.